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%% symbol library for TikZ track schematics
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
% version=3.25,
2020-01-16 21:49:53 +01:00
%%%%%% AUTHORS list %%%%%%%%%%
\newcommand{\MS}{Martin Scheidt}
% -------[ PDF Informations ]---------
pdfsubject={A tikz toolbox for track schematics},
pdfauthor={Martin Scheidt},
pdfkeywords={latex, tikz, library, railway, track layout, schematic}
\title{\tikz\node[scale=1.2]{\color{gray}\Huge\sffamily \{\textcolor{black}{Ti\textcolor{orange}{\emph{k}}Z}-\textcolor{blue}{trackschematic}\}};}
\subtitle{A Ti\emph{k}Z library for track schematics}
\date{Version \vhCurrentVersion~ from \vhCurrentDate}
\subsection[About]{About tikz-trackschematic}
The Ti\emph{k}Z-\emph{trackschematic} library is a toolbox of symbols geared primarily towards creating track schematic for either research or educational purposes.
It provides a Ti\emph{k}Z frontend to some of the symbols which maybe needed to describe situations and layouts in railway operation.
The library is divided into four sublibraries:
\item \texttt{topology},
\item \texttt{trafficcontrol},
\item \texttt{vehicles},
\item \texttt{constructions},
\item \texttt{electrics}, and
\item \texttt{measures}.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 826347.
The library uses Ti\emph{k}Z and it is based the following packages:
\item \texttt{tikz},
\item \texttt{lmodern},
\item \texttt{xcolor}, and
\item \texttt{etoolbox}.
Further more it uses the following Ti\emph{k}Z libraries:
\item \texttt{calc},
\item \texttt{intersections},
\item \texttt{patterns}, and
\item \texttt{arrows.meta}.
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2021, \MS.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies (\href{https://www.tldrlegal.com/l/isc}{ISC license}).
Apart from this library, there is also a \href{https://tu-dresden.de/bu/verkehr/ibv/vst/die-professur/mitarb/ulrich-maschek/signalschablone}{Signalschablone} with german (Deutsche Bahn) symbols for MS Visio.
% \newpage
\subsection{A complete minimal example}
The command \texttt{\textbackslash usepackage\{tikz-trackschematic\}} will load the library; place it somewhere in your preamble.
Here is a complete working minimal example which will produce a single PDF file with the figure on the right:\\
% loading the library
% draw a track
\maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);
% place a train on the track
\train[forward] at (5,0) label ();
\path (-0.2,-1.45) rectangle (6.2,1.45);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (T) at (5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[forward] at (T) label ();
To place symbols in a track schematic, they need to placed and oriented correctly.
The placement ist done through the given Ti\emph{k}Z coordinate.
There are a few assumaptions made about the placement:
\item Parallel tracks are drawn at a distance of 1 cm (which is the base unit of Ti\emph{k}Z).
\item Tracks are only drawn at an angle of $n \cdot 45^{\circ}$.
\subsection{Orientation system}\label{sec:orientationsystem}
The orientation is controlled via given Ti\emph{k}Z options or pgfkey.
The orientation options/pgfkeys are named in relation to orientation-based coordinates, which inhibate thier meaning from reading left to right beeing \texttt{forward} and relate \texttt{left}/\texttt{right} to that movement.
\draw[<->] (-0.5,0) node[left] {backward} -- (0.5,0) node[right] {forward};
\draw[<->] (0,-0.5) node[below] {right} -- (0,0.5) node[above] {left};
The main option/pgfkey is the \texttt{face} option to control in which direction an object will face.
The key can take one of the following two values:
\item \texttt{forward}, and
\item \texttt{backward}.
\train[face=forward ] at (coordinate) label ();
\tikz{\train[face=forward] at (5,0) label ();}
\train[face=backward] at (coordinate) label ();
\tikz{\train[face=backward] at (1,0) label ();}
As a shortcut you may also just give the option \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} without the \texttt{face=} in front of it.
If you have objects which branch either to the left or the right you have to give the \texttt{branch} option which takes one of the following two values:
\item \texttt{left}, and
\item \texttt{right}.
\turnout[forward ,branch=left ] at (coordinate) label ();
\tikz{\maintrack (0,0)--(4,0);\maintrack (2,0)--++(0.5,0.5);\turnout[forward,branch=left] at (2,0) label ();}
\turnout[forward ,branch=right] at (coordinate) label ();
\tikz{\maintrack (0,0)--(4,0);\maintrack (2,0)--++(0.5,-0.5);\turnout[forward,branch=right] at (2,0) label ();}
\turnout[backward,branch=left ] at (coordinate) label ();
\tikz{\maintrack (0,0)--(4,0);\maintrack (2,0)--++(-0.5,0.5);\turnout[backward,branch=left] at (2,0) label ();}
\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (coordinate) label ();
\tikz{\maintrack (0,0)--(4,0);\maintrack (2,0)--++(-0.5,-0.5);\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (2,0) label ();}
There is no shortcut and the key \texttt{branch=} must be given contrary to the key \texttt{face=}.
\subsection{Left- and right-hand traffic}\label{sec:traffic}
The traffic practice to divide bidirectional traffic has impact mostly on traffic control.
The default traffic practice for this library ist right-hand traffic.
You can change it either globally or locally with the key \texttt{traffic practice=left}.
There is also the alias \texttt{position} for single local entries.
% load the library
% set the traffic practice
\tikzset{traffic practice=left}
\maintrack (0,1) -- (5,1);
\maintrack (0,0) -- (5,0);
\routesignal[forward] at (2,1) label (left);
\routesignal[forward,position=right] at (2,0) label (right);
\tikzset{traffic practice=left}
\path (-0.2,-1.6) rectangle (5.2,2.6);
\coordinate (A1) at (0,1);
\coordinate (S1) at (2,1);
\coordinate (B1) at (5,1);
\maintrack (A1) -- ( B1);
\coordinate (A2) at (0,0);
\coordinate (S2) at (2,0);
\coordinate (B2) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A2) -- ( B2);
\routesignal[forward] at (S1) label (left);
\routesignal[forward,position=right] at (S2) label (right);
\subsection{Colors: background and foreground}\label{sec:colors}
The two main colors \texttt{white} and \texttt{black} are set for the \texttt{background} and \texttt{foreground} keys by default.
If you want to change them, provide a new value for the keys.
For example like this:\\
% load the library
% set the colors
\maintrack (0,0) -- (6,0);
\train[forward] at (5,0) label (grey train);
\path (-0.2,-1.6) rectangle (5.2,1.6);
\coordinate (A) at (0 ,0);
\coordinate (T) at (4.5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (5 ,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[forward] at (T) label (grey train);
\section{Provided Symbols and their commands}\label{sec:symbols}
To get a table with all symbols the command \textbackslash tsFullSymbology is provided.
It can be used in a normal \TeX~ environment and will list all symbols of all sublibraries.
Each symbol provides a reference name fo a symbology entry if there is the need to create an own table with the symbols.
It can be used in a normal \TeX~ environment and will show the named symbol with a length of \SI{6.2}{\cm} and a width of \SI{1}{\cm}.
There is also a table with snippets for various situations.
Each snippet and each symbol must be used inside a Ti\emph{k}Z environment.
Each sublibrary provides different symbols.
The following section will go through each symbol their command and options.
Drawing a track follows the same pricipal as drawing a line in Ti\emph{k}Z.
There are two generell optionss of track with different commands:
\item \texttt{main tracks}, and
\item \texttt{secondary tracks}.
\symboldescription{Main track}\label{sym:maintrack}
\maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
\maintrack (coord1) -- (coord2) -- (coord3) -- etc.;
No \texttt{options} available.\\
This command is equivalent to:
\path[draw=foreground,line width=2pt] (coord1) -- (coord2);
Beware of the placement assumption by the library (see Section \ref{sec:placement}).
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{main_track}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Secondary track}\label{sym:secondarytrack}
\secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
\secondarytrack (coord1) -- (coord2) -- (coord3) -- etc.;
For the secondary track you may also use the following alias:
\sidetrack (coord1) -- (coord2);
No \texttt{options} available.\\
The command is equivalent to:
\path[draw=foreground,line width=0.7pt] (coord1) -- (coord2);
Beware of the placement assumption by the library (see Section \ref{sec:placement}).
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{secondary_track}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Track number or track label}\label{sym:tracklabel}
\tracklabel at (coord) label (number);
No \texttt{options} available.\\
This command is equivalent to:
\node[fill=background,text=foreground] at (coord) {number};
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{track_label}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Buffer stops}\label{sym:bufferstop}
\bufferstop[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{friction=\textit{length unit}} (optional)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{bufferstop}% TeX environment
\tsSymbol{friction_bufferstop}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Track closures}\label{sym:trackclosure}
\trackclosure at (coord);
No \texttt{options} available.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{track_closure}% TeX environment
\subsubsection{Turnouts and similar}\label{sec:turnout}
% \tsSymbol{turnout_left_forward_right_position}
\turnout[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{branch=left} or \texttt{branch=right} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{operation=manual} (optional) % \texttt{operation=remote} (default)
\item \texttt{fouling point} (optional)
\item \texttt{points=left} or \texttt{points=right} (optional)
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{turnout_fouling}% TeX environment
\tsSymbol{turnout_manually}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Diamond crossings}\label{sym:diamondcrossing}
\crossing[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{branch=left} or \texttt{branch=right} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{fouling point} (optional)
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{diamond_crossing}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Slip switchs or slip turnouts}\label{sym:slipturnout}
\slipturnout[options] at (coord) label (name1)(name2);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{branch=left} or \texttt{branch=right} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{slip=double} (default), \texttt{slip=none}, \texttt{slip=left} or \texttt{slip=right} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{operation=manual} (optional) % \texttt{operation=remote} (default)
\item \texttt{fouling point} (optional)
\item \texttt{forward points=left} or \texttt{forward points=right} (optional)
\item \texttt{backward points=left} or \texttt{backward points=right} (optional)
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{slip_turnout}% TeX environment
\derailer[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{branch=left} or \texttt{branch=right} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{derailer}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Parked vehicles}\label{sym:parkedvehicles}
\parkedvehicles[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{length=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 4cm)
\item \texttt{label at=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: \textit{center})
\item \texttt{label align=left} or \texttt{label align=right} (optional, default: center)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{parked_vehicles}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Shunting movements}\label{sym:trainshunting}
\shunting[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{movement} (optional)
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{length=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 4cm)
\item \texttt{operation=manual} or \texttt{operation=automatic} (optional) % \texttt{operation=undefined} (default)
\item \texttt{bend left at=\{\textit{(bend-coord)}\}} (optional, default: \textit{none})
\item \texttt{bend right at=\{\textit{(bend-coord)}\}} (optional, default: \textit{none})
\item \texttt{label at=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: \textit{center})
\item \texttt{label align=left} or \texttt{label align=right} (optional, default: center)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} and \textit{(bend-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} or \textit{(bend-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{train_shunting}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Train runs}\label{sym:trains}
\train[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{run=slow}, \texttt{run=normal} or \texttt{run=fast} (optional)
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{length=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 4cm)
\item \texttt{operation=manual} or \texttt{operation=automatic} (optional) % \texttt{operation=undefined} (default)
\item \texttt{ghost} (optional)
\item \texttt{bend left at=\{\textit{(bend-coord)}\}} (optional, default: \textit{none})
\item \texttt{bend right at=\{\textit{(bend-coord)}\}} (optional, default: \textit{none})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{label align=left} or \texttt{label align=right} (optional, default: center)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} and \textit{(bend-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} or \textit{(bend-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{train_moving_fast}% TeX environment
\tsSymbol{train_ghost}% TeX environment
\subsection{Traffic control}
\subsubsection{Stationary signals}\label{sym:signals}
\symboldescription{Generic signal command}
\signal[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item at least one of the following:
\item \texttt{distant},
\item \texttt{speed type},
\item \texttt{block},
\item \texttt{route},
\item \texttt{shunt limit},
\item \texttt{shunting} and/or
\item \texttt{berth}
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{speed=\textit{value}} (optional)
\item \texttt{distant speed=\textit{value}} (optional)
\item \texttt{locked=false} (default) or \texttt{locked=true} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\symboldescription{Distant signal}\label{sym:distantsignal}
\distantsignal[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{distant speed=\textit{value}} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[distant,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_signal}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Speed signal/sign}\label{sym:speedsignal}
\speedsignal[options] at (coord) label (name);
For the speed signal you may also use the following alias:
\speedsign[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{speed=\textit{value}} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[speed type,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{speed_signal}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Block signal}\label{sym:blocksignal}
\blocksignal[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{speed=\textit{value}} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[block,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{block_signal}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Route signal}\label{sym:routesignal}
\routesignal[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{speed=\textit{value}} (optional)
\item \texttt{locked=false} (default) or \texttt{locked=true} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[route,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{route_signal}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Shunting signal}\label{sym:shuntsignal}
\shuntsignal[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{locked=false} (default) or \texttt{locked=true} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[shunting,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{shunt_signal}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Shunt limit}\label{sym:shuntlimit}
\shuntlimit[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[shunt limit,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{shunt_limit}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Berth signal/sign}\label{sym:berthsign}
\berthsignal[options] at (coord) label (name);
For the speed signal you may also use the following alias:
\berthsign[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\signal[berth,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{train_berth_sign}% TeX environment
\subsubsection{Non-stationary locations}\label{sec:locations}
\symboldescription{View point}\label{sym:viewpoint}
\viewpoint[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{view_point}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Braking point}\label{sym:brakingpoint}
\brakingpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{braking_point}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{End of movement authority}\label{sym:endofauthority}
\movementauthority[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{end_of_authority}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Danger point}\label{sym:dangerpoint}
\dangerpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{danger_point}% TeX environment
\subsubsection{Clearing points}\label{sec:clearingpoints}
\symboldescription{Generic clearing point}\label{sym:genericclearingpoint}
\clearingpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item at least one of the following:
\item \texttt{standard},
\item \texttt{block} and/or
\item \texttt{route}
\item \texttt{forward} (default) or \texttt{backward} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\symboldescription{Standard clearing point}\label{sym:clearingpoint}
\standardclearing[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} (default) or \texttt{backward} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\clearingpoint[standard,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{clearing_point}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Block clearing point}\label{sym:blockclearingpoint}
\blockclearing[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} (default) or \texttt{backward} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\clearingpoint[block,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{block_clearing_point}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Route clearing point}\label{sym:routeclearingpoint}
\routeclearing[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} (default) or \texttt{backward} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\clearingpoint[route,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{route_clearing_point}% TeX environment
\route[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{route}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Direction control}\label{sym:directioncontrol}
\directioncontrol[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{direction_control}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Generic transmitter command}\label{sym:generictransmitter}
\transmitter[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{type=balise} or \texttt{type=loop} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\balise[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (optional)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\transmitter[type=balise,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{transmitter_forward}% TeX environment
\trackloop[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
This command is equivalent to:
\transmitter[type=loop,options] at (coord) label (name);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{loop_transmitter}% TeX environment
\platform[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{side=left}, \texttt{side=right} or \texttt{side=both} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{length=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 4cm)
\item \texttt{width=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 0.5cm)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{platform}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Level crossings}\label{sym:levelcrossing}
\levelcrossing[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{barrier=none} (default), \texttt{barrier=semi} or \texttt{barrier=full} (optional)
\item \texttt{side=both} (default), \texttt{side=left} or \texttt{side=right} (optional)
\item \texttt{road width=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 0.4cm)
\item \texttt{width=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 0.5cm)
\item \texttt{no road} (optional)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[2.0]{level_crossing}% TeX environment
\bridge[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{length=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 4cm)
\item \texttt{width=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 0.5cm)
\item \texttt{shift left=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 0cm)
\item \texttt{shift right=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 0cm)
\item \texttt{side=both} (default), \texttt{side=left} or \texttt{side=right} (optional)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
\item \texttt{no background} (optional)
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[2.0]{bridge}% TeX environment
\interlocking at (coord);
No \texttt{options} available.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{interlocking}% TeX environment
\hump at (coord);
No \texttt{options} available.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{hump}% TeX environment
\pylon[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{side=right} (default), \texttt{side=left} or \texttt{side=both} (optional)
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{pylon}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Distant power off}\label{sym:distantpoweroff}
\distantpoweroff[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_power_off}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Power off}\label{sym:poweroff}
\poweroff[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{power_off}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Power on}\label{sym:poweron}
\poweron[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{power_on}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Distant pantograph down}\label{sym:distantpantographdown}
\distantpantographdown[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_pantograph_down}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Pantograph down}\label{sym:pantographdown}
\pantographdown[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{pantograph_down}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Pantograph up}\label{sym:pantographup}
\pantographup[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{pantograph_up}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Wire limit}\label{sym:wirelimit}
\wirelimit[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{signal color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{ts-signal-blue})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\item \texttt{background=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{white})
The color \textit{ts-signal-blue} is defined as \textit{HTML: 013ADF}.
The value for \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[1.4]{wire_limit}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Track distance}\label{sym:trackdistance}
\trackdistance between (coord1) and (coord2) distance (value);
No \texttt{options} available.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol[2.0]{track_distance}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Train berth}\label{sym:trainberth}
\berth[options] at (coord) length (value);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{length=\textit{length unit}} (optional, default 4cm)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{train_berth}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Messure line}\label{sym:measureline}
\measureline (coord1) -- (coord2);
\measureline (coord1) -- (coord2) -- (coord3) -- etc.;
No \texttt{options} available.\\
This command is equivalent to:
\path[draw=foreground!50!background,dashed,shorten <=0.75cm,shorten >=0.75cm] (coord1) -- (coord2);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{measure_line}% TeX environment
\hectometer[options] at (coord) mileage (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{hectometer base=\{\textit{(base-coord)}\}} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{orientation=left} or \texttt{orientation=right} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{hectometer color=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{foreground!50!background})
The value for \textit{(base-coord)} and \textit{(label-coord)} is relative to \textit{(coord)}.
An absolute \textit{(base-coord)} or \textit{(label-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
Specify a commen hectometer base and orientation if you have to place multipile hectometers, i.e. with:
\texttt{\textbackslash tikzset\{hectometer base=\{(base-coord)\},orientation=right\};}.
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{hectometer}% TeX environment
\symboldescription{Track Marking}\label{sym:trackmarking}
\trackmarking[color] (coord1) -- (coord2);
\item \texttt{\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{foreground with opacity 40\%})
This command is equivalent to:
line width=8pt,
Bar[line cap=round,line width=1pt,width=12pt]-
Bar[line cap=round,line width=1pt,width=12pt]
shorten >=1pt,shorten <=1pt
] (coord1) -- (coord2);
Symbology entry as seen at top:
\tsSymbol{track_marking}% TeX environment
No. & Name & Symbol & See section \\
\No & main track & \tsSymbol{main_track} & \ref{sec:track} \\
\No & secondary track & \tsSymbol{secondary_track} & \ref{sec:track} \\
\No & track label & \tsSymbol{track_label} & \ref{sec:track} \\
\No & bufferstop & \tsSymbol{bufferstop} & \ref{sec:track} \\
\No & friction bufferstop & \tsSymbol{friction_bufferstop} & \ref{sec:track} \\
\No & track closure & \tsSymbol{track_closure} & \ref{sec:track} \\
\No & turnout & \tsSymbol{turnout} & \ref{sym:turnouts} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout\\with fouling point indicator}
& \tsSymbol{turnout_fouling} & \ref{sym:turnouts} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout\\operated manually}
& \tsSymbol{turnout_manually} & \ref{sym:turnouts} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout\\with points in right position}
& \tsSymbol{turnout_points_right} & \ref{sym:turnouts} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout\\with points in left position}
& \tsSymbol{turnout_points_left} & \ref{sym:turnouts} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout\\with moving points}
& \tsSymbol{turnout_points_moving} & \ref{sym:turnouts} \\
\No & diamond crossing & \tsSymbol{diamond_crossing} & \ref{sym:diamondcrossing}\\
\No & double-slip turnout & \tsSymbol{slip_turnout} & \ref{sym:slipturnout} \\
\No & derailer & \tsSymbol{derailer} & \ref{sym:derailer} \\
\No & parked vehicles & \tsSymbol{parked_vehicles} & \ref{sym:parkedvehicles} \\
\No & train in shunting mode & \tsSymbol{train_shunt_mode} & \ref{sym:trainshunting} \\
\No & train shunting & \tsSymbol{train_shunting} & \ref{sym:trainshunting} \\
\No & train & \tsSymbol{train} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & train moving slow & \tsSymbol{train_moving_slow} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & train moving & \tsSymbol{train_moving} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & train moving fast & \tsSymbol{train_moving_fast} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & train ghost & \tsSymbol{train_ghost} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & train operated automatic & \tsSymbol{train_drive_automatic} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & train operated by human & \tsSymbol{train_drive_human} & \ref{sym:trains} \\
\No & distant signal & \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{distant signal\\with speed indicator}
& \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_speed_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & speed signal & \tsSymbol[1.4]{speed_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & block signal & \tsSymbol[1.4]{block_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & route signal & \tsSymbol[1.4]{route_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{combined signal (distant, block and route signal)}
& \tsSymbol[1.4]{combined_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & shunt signal & \tsSymbol[1.4]{shunt_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & shunt signal locked & \tsSymbol[1.4]{locked_shunt_signal} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & shunt limit & \tsSymbol[1.4]{shunt_limit} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & train berth sign & \tsSymbol[1.4]{train_berth_sign} & \ref{sym:signals} \\
\No & view point & \tsSymbol[1.4]{view_point} & \ref{sec:locations} \\
\No & braking point & \tsSymbol[1.4]{braking_point} & \ref{sec:locations} \\
\No & end of movement authority & \tsSymbol[1.4]{end_of_authority} & \ref{sec:locations} \\
\No & danger point & \tsSymbol[1.4]{danger_point} & \ref{sec:locations} \\
\No & clearing point & \tsSymbol{clearing_point} & \ref{sec:clearingpoints} \\
\No & block clearing point & \tsSymbol{block_clearing_point} & \ref{sec:clearingpoints} \\
\No & route clearing point & \tsSymbol{route_clearing_point} & \ref{sec:clearingpoints} \\
\No & route & \tsSymbol{route} & \ref{sec:routes} \\
\No & direction control & \tsSymbol{direction_control} & \ref{sec:routes} \\
\No & transmitter & \tsSymbol{transmitter} & \ref{sec:transmitters} \\
\No & transmitter effective forward & \tsSymbol{transmitter_forward} & \ref{sec:transmitters} \\
\No & transmitter bidirectional & \tsSymbol{transmitter_bidirectional} & \ref{sec:transmitters} \\
\No & loop transmitter & \tsSymbol{loop_transmitter} & \ref{sec:transmitters} \\
\No & platform & \tsSymbol[1.4]{platform} & \ref{sec:constructions} \\
\No & level crossing & \tsSymbol[2.0]{level_crossing} & \ref{sec:constructions} \\
\No & bridge & \tsSymbol[2.0]{bridge} & \ref{sec:constructions} \\
\No & hump & \tsSymbol[1.4]{hump} & \ref{sec:constructions} \\
\No & interlocking & \tsSymbol{interlocking} & \ref{sec:constructions} \\
\No & pylons & \tsSymbol[1.4]{pylon} & \ref{sec:constructions} \\
\No & distant power off & \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_power_off} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & power off & \tsSymbol[1.4]{power_off} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & power on & \tsSymbol[1.4]{power_on} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & distant pantograph down & \tsSymbol[1.4]{distant_pantograph_down} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & pantograph down & \tsSymbol[1.4]{pantograph_down} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & pantograph up & \tsSymbol[1.4]{pantograph_up} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & wire limit & \tsSymbol[1.4]{wire_limit} & \ref{sec:electrics} \\
\No & track distance (in \si{\metre}) & \tsSymbol[2.0]{track_distance} & \ref{sec:measures} \\
\No & train berth shape & \tsSymbol{train_berth} & \ref{sec:measures} \\
\No & Messure line & \tsSymbol{measure_line} & \ref{sec:measures} \\
\No & hectometer & \tsSymbol{hectometer} & \ref{sec:measures} \\
\No & track marking & \tsSymbol{track_marking} & \ref{sec:measures} \\