Modified symbol "end of movement authority"; added new symbols "braking

point" and "danger point".
martin 2020-02-10 15:16:44 +01:00
parent 7c0d362be7
commit bcb7f484d8
14 changed files with 281 additions and 77 deletions

Binary file not shown.

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@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
An absolute \textit{(label-coord)} or \textit{(bend-coord)} can be specified with the Ti\emph{k}Z \textbackslash coordinate command.
\subsection{Traffic control}
\subsubsection{Stationary signals}\label{sec:signals}
\symboldescription{Generic signal command}
@ -679,6 +679,59 @@
\signal[berth,options] at (coord) label (name);
\subsubsection{Non-stationary points}\label{sec:points}
\symboldescription{View point}
\viewpoint[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\symboldescription{Braking point}
\brakingpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\symboldescription{End of movement authority}
\movementauthority[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\symboldescription{Danger point}
\dangerpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\subsubsection{Clearing points}\label{sec:clearingpoints}
\symboldescription{Generic clearing point}
@ -800,32 +853,6 @@
\symboldescription{View point}
\viewpoint[options] at (coord);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward} or \texttt{backward} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
\symboldescription{End of movement authority}
\movementauthority[options] at (coord) label (name);
values for \texttt{options} (comma seperated):
\item \texttt{forward}, \texttt{backward} or \texttt{bidirectional} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{direction arrow=true} (default) or \texttt{direction arrow=false} (mandatory)
\item \texttt{position=left} or \texttt{position=right} (optional, default: \textit{traffic practice})
\item \texttt{shift label=\{\textit{(label-coord)}\}} (optional, default: (0,0))
\item \texttt{foreground=\textit{color}} (optional, default: \texttt{black})
@ -1034,6 +1061,14 @@
\No & shunt limit & \symbol{shunt_limit_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:signals} \\
\No & train berth sign & \symbol{train_berth_sign_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:signals} \\
\No & view point & \symbol{view_point_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:points} \\
\No & braking point & \symbol{braking_point_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:points} \\
\No & end of movement authority & \symbol{end_of_movement_authority_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:points} \\
\No & danger point & \symbol{danger_point_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:points} \\
\No & clearing point & \symbol{clearing_point.tikz} & \ref{sec:clearingpoints} \\
@ -1048,11 +1083,6 @@
\No & transmitter bidirectional & \symbol{transmitter_right_bidirectional.tikz} & \ref{sec:transmitters} \\
\No & loop transmitter & \symbol{loop_transmitter.tikz} & \ref{sec:transmitters} \\
\No & view point & \symbol{view_point_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:misc} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{block end marker\\(end of movement authority)}
& \symbol{block_end_marker_forward.tikz} & \ref{sec:misc} \\
\No & route & \symbol{route.tikz} & \ref{sec:misc} \\

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -179,10 +179,6 @@
& \symbol{train_drive_human.tikz} & \code{train_drive_human.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train running over a junction & \symbol{bend_train.tikz} & \code{bend_train.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & view point (forward) & \symbol{view_point_forward.tikz} & \code{view_point_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & view point (backward) & \symbol{view_point_backward.tikz} & \code{view_point_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & distant signal (forward) & \symbol{distant_signal_forward.tikz} & \code{distant_signal_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
@ -221,9 +217,23 @@
\No & shunt limit (backward) & \symbol{shunt_limit_backward.tikz} & \code{shunt_limit_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & block end marker (forward) & \symbol{block_end_marker_forward.tikz} & \code{block_end_marker_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & view point (forward) & \symbol{view_point_forward.tikz} & \code{view_point_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & block end marker (backward) & \symbol{block_end_marker_backward.tikz} & \code{block_end_marker_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & view point (backward) & \symbol{view_point_backward.tikz} & \code{view_point_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & braking point (forward) & \symbol{braking_point_forward.tikz} & \code{braking_point_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & braking point (backward) & \symbol{braking_point_backward.tikz} & \code{braking_point_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & end of movement authority (forward)
& \symbol{end_of_movement_authority_forward.tikz} & \code{end_of_movement_authority_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & end of movement authority (backward)
& \symbol{end_of_movement_authority_backward.tikz} & \code{end_of_movement_authority_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & danger point (forward) & \symbol{danger_point_forward.tikz} & \code{danger_point_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & danger point (backward) & \symbol{danger_point_backward.tikz} & \code{danger_point_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & route (forward \& backward) & \symbol{route.tikz} & \code{route.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\brakingpoint[backward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\brakingpoint[forward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\dangerpoint[backward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\dangerpoint[forward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -500,15 +500,6 @@
\def\movementauthority[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \movementauthority[options] at (coord) label (name);
\pic[#1] at (#3) {movement_authority_marker={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol
% tikz keys
/tikz/trackschematic/trafficcontrol/EoA/.is family,%
%% option \directionarrow
direction arrow/.store in=\directionarrow,% true or false
direction arrow=true,% true or false
/tikz/direction arrow/.forward to=/tikz/trackschematic/trafficcontrol/EoA/direction arrow,%
% symbol definition
@ -542,25 +533,15 @@
}% end \ifdefstring{\face}
\tikzset{every path/.style={draw=\foreground,line width=1pt}};%
%% marker
\path (0,0) -- ++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.5)$);% marker
\path ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.7) + \facefactor*(-0.1,0)$) rectangle%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0, 0.2) + \facefactor*(0.2,0)$);% sign
\path ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.55) + \facefactor*(0.3,0)$) rectangle%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0, 0.3) + \facefactor*(0.3,0)$);%
%% arrow
\path[line width=0.5pt] ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.2) + \facefactor*(-0.2,0)$) --%
++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)$);% arrow body
\path[draw=none,fill=\foreground]% arrow tip
($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.2)$) --%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.04) + \facefactor*(-0.1,0)$) -- ++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,0.08)$) -- cycle;%
}{% error message
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/trafficcontrol/EoA/direction arrow}{'true' OR 'false' as key required}}%
\path[draw=\foreground,<-,>=latex,line width=1pt]%
($\facefactor*\trafficfactor*(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*\trafficfactor*(0,-0.3)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)$);% arrow
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
\tikzset{every node/.style={font=\sffamily,text=\foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-ma-l) at ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.6) + \facefactor*(-0.05,0)$);%
\coordinate (ts-ma-l) at ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.6) + \facefactor*(0.3,0)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
\coordinate (ts-ma-l) at ($(ts-ma-l) + (\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
@ -571,6 +552,127 @@
% symbol braking point
% command
\newcommand\brakingpoint{}% just for safety
\def\brakingpoint[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \brakingpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
\pic[#1] at (#3) {braking_point_marker={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol
% symbol definition
pics/braking_point_marker/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={%
%% settings
\def\coordcommand{#1}% beware of leading and tailing spaces!
\def\labelcommand{#2}% beware of leading and tailing spaces!
%% traffic practice setup
\ifdefstring{\trafficpractice}{left}{% branch
\ifdefstring{\trafficpractice}{right}{% branch
}{% error message
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/trafficcontrol/traffic practice}{“left“ OR “right“ as key required}}%
}% end \ifdefstring{\trafficpractice}
%% face setup
\ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% face
\ifdefstring{\face}{backward}{% face
}{% error message
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/face}{“forward“ OR “backward“ as key required}}%
}% end \ifdefstring{\face}
\tikzset{every path/.style={draw=\foreground,line width=1pt}};%
%% marker
\path ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.4) + \facefactor*(0.3,0)$) --%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.15) + \facefactor*(0.25,0)$) --%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0, 0.3)$) -- cycle;% signal marker
%% arrow
\path[draw=\foreground,<-,>=latex,line width=1pt]%
($\facefactor*\trafficfactor*(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*\trafficfactor*(0,-0.3)$) -- ++($\facefactor*(0.2,0)$);% arrow
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
\tikzset{every node/.style={font=\sffamily,text=\foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-bp-l) at ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.6) + \facefactor*(0.3,0)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
\coordinate (ts-bp-l) at ($(ts-bp-l) + (\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
\node[\align] at (ts-bp-l) {\footnotesize \labelcontent};%
}},% end pics/braking_point_marker/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
% symbol danger point
% command
\newcommand\dangerpoint{}% just for safety
\def\dangerpoint[#1]#2(#3)#4(#5){% \dangerpoint[options] at (coord) label (name);
\pic[#1] at (#3) {danger_point_marker={#2/#4/#5}}% symbol
% symbol definition
pics/danger_point_marker/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{code={%
%% settings
\def\coordcommand{#1}% beware of leading and tailing spaces!
\def\labelcommand{#2}% beware of leading and tailing spaces!
%% traffic practice setup
\ifdefstring{\trafficpractice}{left}{% branch
\ifdefstring{\trafficpractice}{right}{% branch
}{% error message
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/trafficcontrol/traffic practice}{“left“ OR “right“ as key required}}%
}% end \ifdefstring{\trafficpractice}
%% face setup
\ifdefstring{\face}{forward}{% face
\ifdefstring{\face}{backward}{% face
}{% error message
\pgfkeys{/errors/unknown choice value={/tikz/trackschematic/face}{“forward“ OR “backward“ as key required}}%
}% end \ifdefstring{\face}
\tikzset{every path/.style={draw=\foreground,line width=1pt}};%
%% marker
\path ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.4)$) --%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.1) + \facefactor*(-0.1,0)$) --%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,-0.1) + \facefactor*( 0.1,0)$) --%
++($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0, 0.1) + \facefactor*( 0.1,0)$) -- cycle;% sign
%% arrow
\path[draw=\foreground,<-,>=latex,line width=1pt]%
($\facefactor*\trafficfactor*(0,-0.1)$) -- ++($\facefactor*\trafficfactor*(0,-0.25)$);% arrow
%% label
\ifdefstring{\labelcontent}{}{}{% label NOT empty
\tikzset{every node/.style={font=\sffamily,text=\foreground}};%
\coordinate (ts-dp-l) at ($\trafficfactor*\facefactor*(0,0.25)$);%
\ifdefstring{\labelcoord}{(none)}{}{% initialize if NOT default
\coordinate (ts-dp-l) at ($(ts-dp-l)+(\labelcoordX,\labelcoordY)$);%
\node at (ts-dp-l) {\footnotesize \labelcontent};%
}},% end pics/danger_point_marker/.style args={#1/#2/#3}
% symbol route
% command

View File

@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
\node[blue] at (4,0) {\large test clearing points symbols};
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,4}{% base coordinate
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,5}{% base coordinate
\coordinate (A\i) at ($(0,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);% base coordinate
\coordinate (B\i) at ($(8,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);% base coordinate
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,4}{% draw main tracks on base coordinate
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,5}{% draw main tracks on base coordinate
\maintrack (A\i) -- (B\i);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,4}{% coordinates for testing symbols
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,5}{% coordinates for testing symbols
\coordinate (X\i-1) at ($(1,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);
\coordinate (X\i-2) at ($(3,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);
\coordinate (X\i-3) at ($(5,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);
@ -40,4 +40,9 @@
\clearingpoint[standard,route,block,forward ] at (X4-1) label (X4-1);
\clearingpoint[standard,route,block,backward] at (X4-2) label (X4-2);
\clearingpoint[standard,route,block,forward ,position=left] at (X4-3) label (X4-3);
\clearingpoint[standard,route,block,backward,position=left] at (X4-4) label (X4-4);
\clearingpoint[standard,route,block,backward,position=left] at (X4-4) label (X4-4);
\dangerpoint[forward] at (X5-1) label (X5-1);
\dangerpoint[backward] at (X5-2) label (X5-2);
\dangerpoint[forward ,position=left] at (X5-3) label (X5-3);
\dangerpoint[backward,position=left] at (X5-4) label (X5-4);

View File

@ -6,16 +6,16 @@
\node[blue] at (4,0) {\large test signal symbols};
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,11}{% base coordinate
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,12}{% base coordinate
\coordinate (A\i) at ($(0,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);% base coordinate
\coordinate (B\i) at ($(8,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);% base coordinate
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,11}{% draw main tracks on base coordinate
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,12}{% draw main tracks on base coordinate
\maintrack (A\i) -- (B\i);
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,11}{% coordinates for testing symbols
\foreach \i in {1,2,...,12}{% coordinates for testing symbols
\coordinate (X\i-1) at ($(1,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);
\coordinate (X\i-2) at ($(3,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);
\coordinate (X\i-3) at ($(5,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);
@ -67,12 +67,17 @@
\berthsignal[backward,position=left] at (X9-3) label (X9-3);
\berthsignal[backward] at (X9-4) label (X9-4);
\movementauthority[forward ] at (X10-1) label (X10-1);
\movementauthority[forward ,position=left] at (X10-2) label (X10-2);
\movementauthority[backward,position=left,direction arrow=false] at (X10-3) label (X10-3);
\movementauthority[backward] at (X10-4) label (X10-4);
\signal[forward ,block,shunting] at (X10-1) label (X10-1);
\signal[forward ,route,shunting] at (X10-2) label (X10-2);
\signal[backward,route,shunting] at (X10-3) label (X10-3);
\signal[backward,block,shunting] at (X10-4) label (X10-4);
\signal[forward ,block,shunting] at (X11-1) label (X11-1);
\signal[forward ,route,shunting] at (X11-2) label (X11-2);
\signal[backward,route,shunting] at (X11-3) label (X11-3);
\signal[backward,block,shunting] at (X11-4) label (X11-4);
\movementauthority[forward ] at (X11-1) label (X11-1);
\movementauthority[forward ,position=left] at (X11-2) label (X11-2);
\movementauthority[backward,position=left] at (X11-3) label (X11-3);
\movementauthority[backward] at (X11-4) label (X11-4);
\brakingpoint[forward ] at (X12-1) label (X12-1);
\brakingpoint[forward ,position=left] at (X12-2) label (X12-2);
\brakingpoint[backward,position=left] at (X12-3) label (X12-3);
\brakingpoint[backward] at (X12-4) label (X12-4);

Binary file not shown.