Introducing new syntax and providing a documentation.

martin 2020-01-14 17:11:10 +01:00
parent 21026040a1
commit b2267bec44
175 changed files with 5387 additions and 3335 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ISC License
Copyright (c) 2019, Martin Scheidt \<\>
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt \<\>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

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@ -1,6 +1,17 @@
# installation
# Installation
The tikz library is contained in the files:
* tikzlibrarytrackschematic.code.tex,
* tikzlibrarytrackschematic.topology.code.tex,
* tikzlibrarytrackschematic.trafficcontrol.code.tex,
* tikzlibrarytrackschematic.vehicles.code.tex,
* tikzlibrarytrackschematic.constructions.code.tex, and
* tikzlibrarytrackschematic.messures.code.tex.
These files should be copied wherever TeX can find it, for example in your TEXMF folder. The library can then be loaded through the command \usetikzlibrary{trackschematic} in any tex file.
# Usage
@ -16,7 +27,7 @@ todo
\coordinate (T) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[moving,forward] at (T) label (train);
\train[forward] at (T) label (train);
@ -24,11 +35,13 @@ todo
# History
## Version 0.5
* new improved syntax
* new improved syntax for topology
* documentation
## Version 0.4
@ -56,7 +69,27 @@ todo
Basic concept of a library with railway topology symbols and some examples.
# Roadmap
* rethink syntax
* provide option for internationalziation (i18n)
* write usefull documentation
* rewrite library with better coding skills
# Acknowledgement
This project has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 826347.
# License
ISC License
Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt \<\>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = doc.tex
% Copyright 2018,2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\newcommand{\MS}{Martin Scheidt}

Binary file not shown.

doc/doc.sty Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
%% symbol library for TikZ track schematics
% Copyright 2018,2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\ProvidesPackage{doc}[2019-09-30 Doc Package]
% --------[ Coding and Language ]----------
% --------[ revision history ]----------
% --------[ Layout ]-----------
% -----------[ PDF linking ]----------------
pdfpagelabels, % modify PDF page labels
pageanchor=true, % Determines whether every page is given an implicit anchor at the top left corner
%pagebackref, % Adds ‘backlink’ text to the end of each item in the bibliography, as a list of page numbers
%linktocpage, % make page number, not text, be link on TOC, LOF and LOT
breaklinks=true, % allow links to break over lines by making links over multiple lines into PDF links to the same target
colorlinks=true, % Colors the text of links and anchors
linkcolor=base01, % Color for normal internal links
urlcolor=blue, % Color for web links
]{hyperref} % PDF with a linked TableOfContent
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% ----------[ display ]-----------
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language = tikz,%
basicstyle = \scriptsize\ttfamily,%
keywordstyle = \bfseries\color{blue},%
commentstyle = \itshape\color{green},%
backgroundcolor = \color{base3},%
showstringspaces = false,%
columns = fullflexible,%
breaklines = true,%
frame = single,%
\path (-0.1,-1.1) rectangle (6.1,1.1); % background rectangle to unify every cell containing a symbol
\newcommand{\symboldescription}[1]{\paragraph*{#1}\marginnote{\tikz{\fill (-0.4,0.15)--(-0.4,-0.15)--(0,0)--cycle;}}\mbox{}\\}%

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = network.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,147 +1,154 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\input{\srcTrackschematic.trafficcontrol.code.tex}% Order 1
\input{\rootTrackschematic/src/layoutSymbols_DE.tikz} % Order 2 (important)
{ % stations
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00}};
{ % station names
\tikzset{every node/.style={\foreground!50!\background}};
\node[right,align=left] at ( 2,1.3) {to and from\\ Arnau};
\node at (21,3.3) {{\LARGE Bf Berg}};
\node[left,align=right] at (38,1.3) {to and from\\ Chamstadt};
{ % tracks
\draw[MainTrack] ( 1.5, 0) -- ++(37,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (15 , 0) -- ++( 1,1) -- ++(10,0) -- ++(1,-1);
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (11 ,-1) -- ++( 2,0) -- ++( 1,1);
\draw[SecondaryTrack] ( 9 , 1) -- ++( 7,0);
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (14 , 1) -- ++( 1,1) -- ++(10,0);
% coordinates
\coordinate (A) at ( 1.5, 0);
\coordinate (B) at (38.5, 0);
\coordinate (E1) at ( 9 , 1);
\coordinate (E2) at (11 ,-1);
\coordinate (E3) at (25 , 2);
\coordinate (H1) at (15 , 2);
\coordinate (H2) at (26 , 1);
\coordinate (Y1) at (14 , 0);
\coordinate (Y2) at (15 , 0);
\coordinate (Y3) at (14 , 1);
\coordinate (Y4) at (16 , 1);
\coordinate (Y5) at (27 , 0);
\coordinate (Y6) at (12.8,-1);
\coordinate (S1) at ( 7 , 0);
\coordinate (S2) at (10 , 0);
\coordinate (S3) at (18 , 0);
\coordinate (S4) at (18 , 1);
\coordinate (S5) at (24 , 0);
\coordinate (S6) at (24 , 1);
\coordinate (S7) at (30 , 0);
\coordinate (S8) at (33 , 0);
\coordinate (T1) at ( 6 , 0);
\coordinate (T2) at (10.2, 1);
\coordinate (T3) at (23 , 2);
\coordinate (T4) at (34 , 0);
\coordinate (P1) at (21 , 0);
\coordinate (P2) at (21 , 1);
\coordinate (HM) at (0,-1.85);
{ %% topology
% tracks
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\maintrack (Y2) -- (Y4) -- (H2) -- (Y5);
\secondarytrack (E1) -- (Y4);
\secondarytrack (E2) -- ++( 2,0) -- (Y1);
\secondarytrack (Y3) -- (H1) -- (E3);
% track numbers
\node[fill=background] at (11.7, 1) {12};
\node[fill=background] at (11.7,-1) {10};
\node[fill=background] at (21.0, 2) { 3};
\node[fill=background] at (21.0, 1) { 2};
\node[fill=background] at (21.0, 0) { 1};
\tracklabel at (11.7, 1) label (12);
\tracklabel at (11.7,-1) label (10);
\tracklabel at (21 , 2) label (3);
\tracklabel at (P2) label (2);
\tracklabel at (P1) label (1);
% bufferstops
\pic at ( 9, 1) {bufferstop_backward};
\pic at (11,-1) {bufferstop_backward};
\pic at (25, 2) {bufferstop_forward};
\bufferstop[backward] at (E1);
\bufferstop[backward] at (E2);
\bufferstop[forward] at (E3);
% turnouts
\pic at (12.8,-1) {derailer_right_forward};
\node at (12.7,-1.4) {\footnotesize Gs7};
\pic at (14,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (14,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\node at (14,0.2) {\footnotesize W1};
\pic at (14,1) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (14,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\node at (14,0.8) {\footnotesize W4};
\pic at (15,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (15,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\node at (15,-0.2) {\footnotesize W2};
\pic at (16,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (16,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\node at (16,1.2) {\footnotesize W3};
\pic at (27,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\pic at (27,0) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\node at (27,-0.2) {\footnotesize W6};
% platforms
\pic at (19,0) {platform_left};
\pic at (19,1) {platform_right};
\tikzset{every node/.style={fouling point}};
\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (Y1) label (W1);
\turnout[forward ,branch=left ] at (Y2) label (W2);
\turnout[forward ,branch=left ] at (Y3) label (W3);
\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (Y4) label (W4);
\turnout[backward,branch=left ] at (Y5) label (W5);
\derailer[forward,branch=right] at (Y6) label (Gs6);
{ % signals
\pic at ( 7, 0 ) {distant_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 7,-0.4) {Va};
\pic at (10, 0 ) {route_signal_forward};
\pic at (10, 0 ) {distant_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (10,-0.4) {A};
\pic at (18, 1 ) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18, 1.4) {P2};
\pic at (18, 0 ) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18, 0.4) {P1};
\pic at (24, 1 ) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (24, 0.6) {N2};
\pic at (24, 0 ) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (24,-0.4) {N1};
\pic at (30, 0 ) {route_signal_backward};
\pic at (30, 0 ) {distant_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (30, 0.4) {F};
\pic at (33, 0 ) {distant_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (33, 0.4) {Vf};
{ %% traffic control
% signals
\distantsignal[forward] at (S1) label (Va);
\signal[distant,route,forward] at (S2) label (A);
\routesignal[backward] at (S3) label (P1);
\routesignal[backward] at (S4) label (P2);
\routesignal[forward] at (S5) label (N1);
\routesignal[forward] at (S6) label (N2);
\signal[distant,route,backward] at (S7) label (F);
\distantsignal[backward] at (S8) label (Vf);
% routes
\pic at (20,0) {route_backward};
\pic at (22,0) {route_forward};
\pic at (20,1) {route_backward};
\pic at (22,1) {route_forward};
\route[backward] at (20,0);
\route[forward] at (22,0);
\route[backward] at (20,1);
\route[forward] at (22,1);
% clearing points
\tikzset{every node/.style={backward}};
\clearingpoint[] at (10 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (12.3,-1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (12.8, 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (13.4, 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (14.9, 1) label ();
\coordinate (H3) at ($(Y2)!0.5!(Y4)$); % using tikz calc library
\clearingpoint[rotate=45] at (H3) label ();
\coordinate (H4) at ($(Y3)!0.8!(H1)$); % using tikz calc library
\clearingpoint[rotate=45] at (H4) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (16 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (18 , 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (18 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (24 , 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (24 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (26 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (27.5, 0) label ();
\coordinate (H5) at ($(Y5)!0.8!(H2)$); % using tikz calc library
\clearingpoint[rotate=315] at (H5) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (30 , 0) label ();
{ % axle counters
\pic at (10 , 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (12.3,-1) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (12.8, 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (13.4, 1) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (14.9, 1) {axle_counter_right};
\pic [rotate=45] at (14.5, 2 ) {axle_counter_right};
\pic [rotate=45] at (15.9, 0.4) {axle_counter_left};
\pic at (16 , 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (18 , 1) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (18 , 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (24 , 1) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (24 , 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (26 , 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic at (27.5, 0) {axle_counter_right};
\pic [rotate=315] at (26.2, 0.8) {axle_counter_left};
\pic at (30 , 0) {axle_counter_right};
{ %% vehicles
\train[run=normal,forward] at (T1) label (RB);
\train[run=fast,backward] at (T4) label (IC);
\parkedvehicles[length=3cm] at (T3) label (WG);
\parkedvehicles[length=1cm] at (T2) label (Tfz);
{ % vehicles
\pic at ( 6 ,0) {train_moving_forward};
\node at ( 4 ,0) {\emph{RB}};
\pic at (21.5,2) {train=3};
\node at (23 ,2) {\emph{WG}};
\pic at (10.2,1) {train=1};
\node at (10.7,1) {\emph{Tfz}};
\pic at (34 ,0) {train_moving_backward};
\node at (36 ,0) {\emph{IC}};
{ %% constructions
% platforms
\platform[side=right] at (P2);
\platform[side=left ] at (P1);
{ % hectometer posts
\tikzset{every node/.style={left,base00,rotate=-90},every path/.style={base00,dashed}};
\node at (07.0,-2.75) { 7.200};
\draw (07.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.7);
\node at (10.0,-2.75) { 8.200};
\draw (10.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.7);
\node at (12.8,-2.75) { 8.400};
\draw (12.8,-1.70) -- ++(0,0.1);
\draw (12.8,-0.70) -- ++(0,0.3);
\node at (16.0,-2.75) { 8.600};
\draw (16.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (18.0,-2.75) { 8.700};
\draw (18.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (19.0,-2.75) { 8.750};
\draw (19.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.3);
\node at (23.0,-2.75) { 9.000};
\draw (23.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.3);
\node at (24.0,-2.75) { 9.100};
\draw (24.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.7);
\node at (26.0,-2.75) { 9.200};
\draw (26.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (27.5,-2.75) { 9.300};
\draw (27.5,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (30.0,-2.75) { 9.500};
\draw (30.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (33.0,-2.75) {10.500};
\draw (33.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.3);
{ %% messures
% hectometer posts
\tikzset{hectometer base={(HM)},orientation=right};
\hectometer[] at (S1) label ( 7.200);
\hectometer[] at (S2) label ( 8.200);
\hectometer[] at (12.8,-1) label ( 8.400);
\hectometer[] at (16 , 0) label ( 8.600);
\hectometer[] at (S3) label ( 8.700);
\hectometer[] at (19 , 0) label ( 8.750);
\hectometer[] at (23 , 0) label ( 9.000);
\hectometer[] at (S5) label ( 9.100);
\hectometer[] at (26 , 0) label ( 9.200);
\hectometer[] at (27.5, 0) label ( 9.300);
\hectometer[] at (S7) label ( 9.500);
\hectometer[] at (S8) label (10.500);

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,183 +1,177 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\input{\srcTrackschematic.trafficcontrol.code.tex}% Order 1
\input{\rootTrackschematic/src/layoutSymbols_DE.tikz} % Order 2 (important)
{ % % stations
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00}};
{ % station names
\tikzset{every node/.style={\foreground!50!\background}};
\node[right,align=left] at ( 5,1.3) {to and from\\ Berg};
\node at (21,3.9) {{\LARGE Bf Chamstadt}};
\node[left,align=right] at (37.5,1.3) {to and from\\ Dornroda};
\node[left,align=right] at (36.5,4.0) {to and from\\ Ehrenstein};
{ % % tracks
\draw[MainTrack] ( 4.5, 0) -- ++(33, 0);
\draw[MainTrack] (15 , 0) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++(14,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (14 , 0) -- ++( 1,-1) -- ++(10.5,0) -- ++( 1,1);
\draw[MainTrack] (27 , 1) -- ++( 1,-1);
\draw[MainTrack] (29 , 0) -- ++( 5, 5);
\draw[SecondaryTrack] ( 9 , 1) -- ++( 7, 0);
% % track numbers
\node[fill=background] at (12.5, 1) {11};
\node[fill=background] at (21.75, 1) { 1};
\node[fill=background] at (21.75, 0) { 2};
\node[fill=background] at (21.75,-1) { 3};
% % bufferstops
\pic at ( 9, 1) {bufferstop_backward};
% % turnouts
\pic at (14.8, 1) {derailer_left_forward};
\node at (14.7, 0.6) {\footnotesize Gs7};
\pic at (14,0) {turnout_right_forward};
\pic at (14,0) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\node at (14,0.2) {\footnotesize W1};
\pic at (15,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (15,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\node at (15,-0.2) {\footnotesize W2};
\pic at (16,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (16,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\node at (16,1.2) {\footnotesize W3};
\pic at (26.5,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (26.5,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\node at (26.5,0.2) {\footnotesize W4};
\pic at (27,1) {turnout_right_forward};
\pic at (27,1) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\node at (27,1.2) {\footnotesize W5};
\pic at (28,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\pic at (28,0) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\node at (28,-0.2) {\footnotesize W6};
\pic at (29,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (29,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\node at (29,-0.2) {\footnotesize W7};
\pic at (30,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (30,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\node at (30.3,0.8) {\footnotesize W8};
% coordinates
\coordinate (A) at ( 1.5, 0);
\coordinate (B) at (37.5, 0);
\coordinate (C) at (34 , 5);
% % platforms
\pic at (19,0) {platform_left};
\pic at (19,1) {platform_right};
\coordinate (E1) at ( 9 , 1);
\coordinate (Y1) at (14 , 0);
\coordinate (Y2) at (15 , 0);
\coordinate (Y3) at (16 , 1);
\coordinate (Y4) at (14.8, 1);
\coordinate (Y5) at (26.5, 0);
\coordinate (Y6) at (27 , 1);
\coordinate (Y7) at (28 , 0);
\coordinate (Y8) at (29 , 0);
\coordinate (Y9) at (30 , 1);
\coordinate (S01) at ( 7.5, 0);
\coordinate (S02) at (10 , 0);
\coordinate (S03) at (16 ,-1);
\coordinate (S04) at (18 , 0);
\coordinate (S05) at (18 , 1);
\coordinate (S06) at (24 , 0);
\coordinate (S07) at (24 , 1);
\coordinate (S08) at (25 ,-1);
\coordinate (S09) at (33 , 0);
\coordinate (S10) at (32 , 3);
\coordinate (S11) at (35.5, 0);
\coordinate (S12) at (33.5, 4.5);
\coordinate (T1) at ( 6 , 0);
\coordinate (T2) at (10.2, 1);
\coordinate (T3) at (16.5,-1);
\coordinate (P1) at (21 , 0);
\coordinate (P2) at (21 , 1);
\coordinate (HM1) at (0,-1.85);
\coordinate (HM2) at (0, 2.15);
{ %% topology
% tracks
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\maintrack (Y1) -- ++( 1,-1) -- ++(10.5,0) -- (Y5);
\maintrack (Y2) -- ++( 1, 1) -- (Y9);
\maintrack (Y6) -- ++( 1,-1);
\maintrack (Y8) -- (Y9) -- (C);
\secondarytrack (E1) -- (Y3);
% track numbers
\tracklabel at (12.5, 1) label (11);
\tracklabel at (21 ,-1) label (3);
\tracklabel at (P1) label (1);
\tracklabel at (P2) label (2);
% bufferstops
\bufferstop[backward] at (E1);
% turnouts
\tikzset{every node/.style={fouling point}};
\turnout[forward ,branch=right] at (Y1) label (W1);
\turnout[forward ,branch=left ] at (Y2) label (W2);
\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (Y3) label (W3);
\derailer[forward,branch=left ] at (Y4) label (Gs4);
\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (Y5) label (W5);
\turnout[forward ,branch=right] at (Y6) label (W6);
\turnout[backward,branch=left ] at (Y7) label (W7);
\turnout[forward ,branch=left ] at (Y8) label (W8);
\turnout[backward,branch=right,shift label={(0.2,-0.5)}] at (Y9) label (W9);
{ % % signals
\pic at ( 7.5, 0 ) {distant_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 7.5,-0.4) {Va};
\pic at (10, 0 ) {route_signal_forward};
\pic at (10, 0 ) {distant_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (10,-0.4) {A};
\pic at (16,-1 ) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (16,-0.6) {P3};
\pic at (18, 1 ) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18, 1.4) {P1};
\pic at (18, 0 ) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18, 0.4) {P2};
\pic at (24, 1 ) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (24, 0.6) {N1};
\pic at (24, 0 ) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (24,-0.4) {N2};
\pic at (25,-1 ) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (25,-1.4) {N3};
\pic at (33, 0 ) {route_signal_backward};
\pic at (33, 0 ) {distant_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (33, 0.4) {F};
\pic at (35.5, 0 ) {distant_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (35.5, 0.4) {Vf};
\pic[rotate=45] at (32.5, 2.5) {route_signal_backward};
\pic[rotate=45] at (32.5, 2.5) {distant_signal_backward};
\node[right,rotate=45] at (32.2, 2.8) {G};
\pic[rotate=45] at (34, 4 ) {distant_signal_backward};
\node[right,rotate=45] at (33.7, 4.3) {Vg};
% % routes
\pic at (21,-1) {route_freight_backward};
\pic at (22.5,-1) {route_freight_forward};
\pic at (21,0) {route_passanger_backward};
\pic at (22.5,0) {route_passanger_forward};
\pic at (21,1) {route_passanger_backward};
\pic at (22.5,1) {route_passanger_forward};
{ %% traffic control
% signals
\distantsignal[forward] at (S01) label (Va);
\signal[distant,route,forward] at (S02) label (A);
\routesignal[backward] at (S03) label (P3);
\routesignal[backward] at (S04) label (P1);
\routesignal[backward] at (S05) label (P2);
\routesignal[forward] at (S06) label (N1);
\routesignal[forward] at (S07) label (N2);
\routesignal[forward] at (S08) label (N3);
\signal[distant,route,backward] at (S09) label (F);
\signal[distant,route,backward,rotate=45,shift label={(0.1,0.1)}] at (S10) label (G);
\distantsignal[backward] at (S11) label (Vf);
\distantsignal[backward,rotate=45,shift label={(0.1,0.1)}] at (S12) label (Vg);
% routes
\route[backward] at (20,-1);
\route[forward] at (22,-1);
\route[backward] at (20, 0);
\route[forward] at (22, 0);
\route[backward] at (20, 1);
\route[forward] at (22, 1);
% clearing points
\tikzset{every node/.style={backward}};
\clearingpoint[] at (10 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (13 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (14 , 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (16 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (16 ,-1) label ();
\clearingpoint[rotate= 45] at (15.5, 0.5) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (18 , 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (18 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (24 , 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (24 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (26 , 1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (25 ,-1) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (27 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[rotate=-45] at (27.5, 0.5) label ();
\clearingpoint[rotate= 45] at (29.5, 0.5) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (30.2, 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[] at (33 , 0) label ();
\clearingpoint[rotate= 45] at (30.5, 1.5) label ();
\clearingpoint[rotate= 45] at (32 , 3 ) label ();
{ % % clearing points
\pic at (10 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic at (13 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic at (14 , 1) {clearing_point};
\pic at (16 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic at (16 ,-1) {clearing_point};
\pic[rotate=45] at (15.5, 0.5) {clearing_point};
\pic at (18 , 1) {clearing_point};
\pic at (18 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic at (24 , 1) {clearing_point};
\pic at (24 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic at (26 , 1) {clearing_point};
\pic at (25 ,-1) {clearing_point};
\pic at (27 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic[rotate=-45] at (27.5, 0.5) {clearing_point};
\pic[rotate= 45] at (29.5, 0.5) {clearing_point};
\pic at (30.2, 0) {clearing_point};
\pic at (33 , 0) {clearing_point};
\pic[rotate= 45] at (30.2, 1.2) {clearing_point};
\pic[rotate= 45] at (32 , 3 ) {clearing_point};
{ %% vehicles
\train[run=normal,forward] at (T1) label (RB);
\parkedvehicles[length=1cm] at (T2) label (Tfz);
\train[backward] at (T3) label (GZ);
{ % % vehicles
\pic at ( 7 ,0) {train_direction_forward=2};
\node at ( 6,0) {\emph{RB}};
% \pic at (21.5,2) {train=3};
% \node at (23 ,2) {\emph{WG}};
\pic at (10.2,1) {train=1};
\node at (10.7,1) {\emph{Tfz}};
\pic at (16.5,-1) {train_direction_backward};
\node at (18.5,-1) {\emph{GZ}};
{ %% constructions
% platforms
\platform[side=right] at (P2);
\platform[side=left ] at (P1);
{ % % hectometer posts
\tikzset{every node/.style={left,base00,rotate=-90},every path/.style={base00,dashed}};
\node at (07.5,-2.75) { 7.200};
\draw (07.5,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.7);
\node at (10.0,-2.75) { 8.200};
\draw (10.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.7);
\node at (13.0,-2.75) { 8.400};
\draw (13.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (14.0, 2.25) { 8.500};
\draw (14.0, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.8);
\node at (15.5, 2.25) { 8.550};
\draw (15.5, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.8);
\node at (16.0,-2.75) { 8.600};
\draw (16.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.3);
\node at (18.0, 2.25) { 8.700};
\draw (18.0, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.3);
\node at (19.0, 2.25) { 8.750};
\draw (19.0, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.8);
\node at (23.0, 2.25) { 9.000};
\draw (23.0, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.8);
\node at (24.0, 2.25) { 9.100};
\draw (24.0, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.8);
\node at (25.0,-2.75) { 9.150};
\draw (25.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,0.0);
\node at (26.0, 2.25) { 9.200};
\draw (26.0, 2.15) -- ++(0,-.8);
\node at (27.0,-2.75) { 9.250};
\draw (27.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (27.5,-2.75) { 9.300};
\draw (27.5,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (29.5,-2.75) { 9.450};
\draw (29.5,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (30.2,-2.75) { 9.500};
\draw (30.2,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.1);
\node at (33.0,-2.75) { 9.900};
\draw (33.0,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.3);
\draw (33.0, 0.85) -- ++(0,1.2) -- ++(-0.5,0.5);
\node at (35.5,-2.75) {10.900};
\draw (35.5,-1.55) -- ++(0,1.3);
\draw (35.5, 0.85) -- ++(0,1.7) -- ++(-1.5,1.5);
{ %% messures
% hectometer posts
\tikzset{hectometer base={(HM1)},orientation=right};
\hectometer[] at (S01) label ( 7.200);
\hectometer[] at (S02) label ( 8.200);
\hectometer[] at (13 ,0) label ( 8.400);
\hectometer[] at (S03) label ( 8.600);
\hectometer[] at (S08) label ( 9.150);
\hectometer[] at (27 ,0) label ( 9.250);
\hectometer[] at (27.5,0) label ( 9.300);
\hectometer[] at (29.5,0) label ( 9.450);
\hectometer[] at (30.2,0) label ( 9.500);
\hectometer[] at (S09) label ( 9.900);
\hectometer[] at (S11) label (10.900);
\messureline (S09) -- ++(0,1.7) -- (S10);
\messureline (S11) -- ++(0,2.2) -- (S12);
\tikzset{hectometer base={(HM2)},orientation=left};
\hectometer[] at (14 ,1) label ( 8.500);
\hectometer[] at (15.5,1) label ( 8.550);
\hectometer[] at (S05) label ( 8.700);
\hectometer[] at (19 ,1) label ( 8.750);
\hectometer[] at (23 ,1) label ( 9.000);
\hectometer[] at (S07) label ( 9.100);
\hectometer[] at (26 ,1) label ( 9.200);

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

View File

@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = station_okerbach.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
%% coordinates
\coordinate (O2R-1) at ( 0,0); % track 1 to Rebenau
\coordinate (O2R-2) at ( 0,1); % track 2 to Rebenau
\coordinate (O2S-1) at (42,0); % track 1 to Schleinitz
\coordinate (O2S-2) at (42,1); % track 2 to Schleinitz
{ %% stations
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00}};
\node[right,align=left] at ( 0. , 2. ) {to and from\\ Rebenau};
\node[left,align=right] at ( 3.5, 4.0) {Sidings (Workshop)};
\node[left,align=right] at ( 3.5, 5.0) {Sidings (Habour)};
\node[right,align=left] at (37.5,-1.5) {Sidings (Power Station)};
\node at (15.5, 6.3) {{\LARGE Okerbach Gbf}};
\node at (29.0, 6.3) {{\LARGE Okerbach Pbf}};
\node[left,align=right] at (42,2) {to and from\\ Schleinitz};
{ %% tracks
\draw[MainTrack] (O2R-1) -- (O2S-1); % track 1
\draw[MainTrack] (O2R-2) -- (O2S-2); % track 2
\draw[MainTrack] ( 5, 1) -- ++( 1,-1); % track W1/W2
\draw[MainTrack] ( 7, 0) -- ++( 1, 1); % track W3/W4
\draw[SecondaryTrack] ( 7, 2) -- ++(-3, 3) -- ++(-0.5,0); % track 132
\draw[MainTrack] ( 8, 0) -- ++( 1,-1) -- ++(13. ,0) -- ++( 1. , 1); % track 10
\draw[MainTrack] ( 9, 1) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++(11. ,0) -- ++( 1. ,-1); % track 13
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (10, 2) -- ++(-4, 0) -- ++(-2. ,2) -- ++(-0.5, 0); % track 131
\draw[MainTrack] (10, 2) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++( 9. ,0) -- ++( 1. ,-1); % track 14
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (11, 3) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++( 7. ,0) -- ++( 1. ,-1); % track 15
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (19, 4) -- ++( 4, 0); % track 215
\draw[MainTrack] (23, 1) -- ++( 1,-1); % track W16/W18
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (32, 0) -- ++( 1.5,-1.5) -- ++( 4, 0); % track 410
\draw[MainTrack] (35, 0) -- ++( 1, 1); % track W21/W22
{ %% track numbers
\node[fill=background,rotate=-45] at ( 4.4, 3.6) {131};
\node[fill=background,rotate=-45] at ( 4.9, 4.1) {132};
\node[fill=background] at (15.5,-1. ) { 10};
\node[fill=background] at (15.5, 0. ) { 11};
\node[fill=background] at (15.5, 1. ) { 12};
\node[fill=background] at (15.5, 2. ) { 13};
\node[fill=background] at (15.5, 3. ) { 14};
\node[fill=background] at (15.5, 4. ) { 15};
\node[fill=background] at (22. , 4. ) {215};
\node[fill=background] at (29. , 0. ) { 1};
\node[fill=background] at (29. , 1. ) { 2};
\node[fill=background] at (36.5,-1.5) {410};
{ %% bufferstops
\pic at ( 23, 4) {bufferstop_forward};
{ %% turnouts
\pic at ( 5,1) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at ( 5,1.2) {\footnotesize W1};
% \pic at ( 5,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at ( 6,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at ( 6,-0.2) {\footnotesize W2};
% \pic at ( 6,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at ( 7,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at ( 7,-0.2) {\footnotesize W3};
% \pic at ( 7,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at ( 7,2) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at ( 7,1.8) {\footnotesize W9};
% \pic at ( 7,2) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at ( 8,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at ( 8,1.2) {\footnotesize W4};
% \pic at ( 8,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at ( 8,0) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at ( 8,0.2) {\footnotesize W5};
% \pic at ( 8,0) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at ( 8.5,2) {derailer_left_forward};
\node[left,align=right] at ( 8.5,1.8) {\footnotesize Gs8};
\pic at ( 9,1) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at ( 9,0.8) {\footnotesize W6};
% \pic at ( 9,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (10,2) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (10,2) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (10,2) {slip_left_forward};
\pic at (10,2) {slip_left_backward};
\node[left,align=right] at ( 9.7,1.8) {\footnotesize W7ab};
\node[right,align=left] at (10.3,2.2) {\footnotesize W7cd};
% \pic at (10,2) {fouling_point_left_backward};
% \pic at (10,2) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (11,3) {turnout_left_forward};
\node[left,align=right] at (11,3.1) {\footnotesize W10};
% \pic at (11,3) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (19,4) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (19,4.2) {\footnotesize W11};
% \pic at (19,4) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (20,4) {derailer_right_backward};
\node[right] at (20,3.8) {\footnotesize Gs12};
\pic at (20,3) {turnout_right_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (20,3.1) {\footnotesize W13};
% \pic at (20,3) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (21,2) {turnout_right_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (21,2.1) {\footnotesize W14};
% \pic at (21,2) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (22,1) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (22,0.8) {\footnotesize W15};
% \pic at (22,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (23,1) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (23,1.2) {\footnotesize W16};
% \pic at (23,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (23,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (23,0.2) {\footnotesize W17};
% \pic at (23,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (24,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (24,-0.2) {\footnotesize W18};
% \pic at (24,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (32,0) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (32,0.2) {\footnotesize W19};
% \pic at (23,0) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (34. ,-1.5) {derailer_left_backward};
\node[right] at (34. ,-1.7) {\footnotesize Gs20};
\pic at (35,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (35,-0.2) {\footnotesize W21};
% \pic at (35,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (36,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (36,1.2) {\footnotesize W22};
% \pic at (36,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
{ %% platforms
\pic at (26,0) {platform_right=6};
\pic at (26,1) {platform_left=6};
{ %% signals
\pic at ( 1,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 1,-0.4) {A};
\pic at ( 1,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 1, 0.6) {AA};
\pic at ( 3,0) {shunt_limit_backward};
\pic at ( 4,0) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 4,-0.4) {W2X};
\pic at ( 4,1) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 4, 0.6) {W1X};
\pic[rotate=-45] at (5.5,2.5) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left,rotate=-45] at (5.3,2.3) {W9X1};
\pic[rotate=-45] at (6. ,3. ) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left,rotate=-45] at (5.8,2.8) {W9X2};
\pic at (11,-1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (11,-0.6) {P10};
\pic at (11,0) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (11, 0.4) {W5Y};
\pic at (11,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (11, 1.4) {P12};
\pic at (12.5,2) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (12.5, 2.4) {P13};
\pic at (13,3) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (13, 3.4) {P14};
\pic at (13,4) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (13, 4.4) {W10Y};
\pic at (18. , 4) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (18, 3.6) {W11X};
\pic at (18.5, 3) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (18.5, 2.6) {ZR14};
\pic at (19.5, 2) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (19.5, 1.6) {ZR13};
\pic at (20.5, 1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (20.5, 0.6) {ZR12};
\pic at (20.5, 0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (20.5,-0.4) {ZR11};
\pic at (20.5,-1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (20.5,-1.4) {ZR10};
\pic at (21. , 4) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (21. , 4.4) {W12Y};
\pic at (25. ,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (25. , 1.4) {ZU2};
\pic at (25. ,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (25. , 0.4) {ZU1};
\pic at (35. ,-1.5) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (35. ,-1.1) {W20Y};
\pic at (33.5,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (33.5,-0.4) {N1};
\pic at (33.5,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (33.5, 0.6) {N2};
\pic at (37.5,1) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (37.5,1.4) {W22Y};
\pic at (39.0,1) {shunt_limit_forward};
\pic at (41.0,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (41.0, 0.4) {FF};
\pic at (41.0,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (41.0, 1.4) {F};
{ %% hectometer posts
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00,rotate=-90},every path/.style={base00,dashed}};
% \draw (01.0,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {15.000};

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = station_pockelsdorf.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
%% coordinates
\coordinate (P2R) at ( 0, 0); % track to Rebenau
\coordinate (P2M) at ( 3,-4); % track to Mittelstadt
\coordinate (P2S) at (28, 0); % track to Schleinitz
{ %% stations
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00}};
\node[right,align=left] at ( 0, 1) {to and from\\ Rebenau};
\node[left,align=right] at ( 3,-3) {to and from\\ Mittelstadt};
\node at (13.5,3.3) {{\LARGE Pockelsdorf}};
\node[right,align=left] at (26.5,-1.5) {Sidings};
\node[left,align=right] at (28,1) {to and from\\ Schleinitz};
{ %% tracks
\draw[MainTrack] ( P2R) -- (P2S); % track 1
\draw[MainTrack] ( 5,0) -- ++(1,1) -- ++(14,0) -- ++(1,-1); % track 2
\draw[MainTrack] ( 7,1) -- ++(1,1) -- ++(11,0) -- ++(1,-1); % track 3
\draw[MainTrack] ( P2M) -- ++(5,5);
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (22,0) -- ++(1.5,-1.5) -- ++(3,0); % track 10
{ %% track numbers
\node[fill=background] at (13.5, 0) { 1};
\node[fill=background] at (13.5, 1) { 2};
\node[fill=background] at (13.5, 2) { 3};
\node[fill=background] at (26. ,-1.5) {10};
{ %% bufferstops
% \pic at ( 9, 1) {bufferstop_backward};
{ %% turnouts
\pic at ( 5,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at ( 5,-0.2) {\footnotesize W1};
% \pic at ( 5,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at ( 7,1) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at ( 7,0.8) {\footnotesize W2};
% \pic at ( 7,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at ( 7,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at ( 7,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at ( 7,0) {slip_left_backward};
\node[left,align=right] at (6.7, 0.2) {\footnotesize W3ab};
\node[right,align=left] at (7.3,-0.2) {\footnotesize W3cd};
% \pic at ( 7,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
% \pic at ( 7,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at ( 8,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at ( 8,1.2) {\footnotesize W4};
% \pic at ( 8,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (20,1) {turnout_right_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (19.9,1.2) {\footnotesize W5};
% \pic at (20,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (21,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (21,-0.2) {\footnotesize W6};
% \pic at (21,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (22,0) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (22,0.2) {\footnotesize W7};
% \pic at (22,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (24. ,-1.5) {derailer_left_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (24. ,-1.7) {\footnotesize Gs10};
{ %% platforms
\pic at (10.5,0) {platform_right=6};
\pic at (10.5,1) {platform_left=6};
\pic at (10.5,2) {platform_right=6};
{ %% signals
\pic at ( 1,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (1,-0.4) {A};
\pic at ( 3,0) {shunt_limit_backward};
\pic at ( 4,0) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 4,-0.4) {W1X};
\pic[rotate=45] at (3.75,-3.25) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left,rotate=45] at (4.05,-3.55) {B};
\pic[rotate=45] at (5.25,-1.75) {shunt_limit_backward};
\pic[rotate=45] at (6 ,-1 ) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left,rotate=45] at (6.3,-1.3) {W3X};
\pic at (9.5,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (9.5, 0.4) {P1};
\pic at (9.5,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (9.5, 1.4) {P2};
\pic at (9.5,2) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (9.5, 2.4) {P3};
\pic at (17.5,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (17.5,-0.4) {N1};
\pic at (17.5,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (17.5, 0.6) {N2};
\pic at (17.5,2) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (17.5, 1.6) {N3};
\pic at (23.0,0) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (23,0.4) {W7Y};
\pic at (25. ,-1.5) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (25. ,-1.1) {W10Y};
\pic at (25.0,0) {shunt_limit_forward};
\pic at (27.0,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (27.0, 0.4) {G};
{ %% hectometer posts
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00,rotate=-90},every path/.style={base00,dashed}};
% \draw (01.0,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {15.000};

Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

View File

@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = station_rebenau.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
%% coordinates
\coordinate (R2W-1) at ( 0,0); % track 1 to Wenden
\coordinate (R2W-2) at ( 0,1); % track 2 to Wenden
\coordinate (R2P) at (42,4); % track to Pockelsdorf
\coordinate (R2O-1) at (42,0); % track 1 to Okerbach
\coordinate (R2O-2) at (42,1); % track 2 to Okerbach
{ %% stations
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00}};
\node[right,align=left] at ( 0,2) {to and from\\ Wenden};
\node[left,align=right] at ( 8,4.0) {Sidings};
\node at (22.5,6.3) {{\LARGE Rebenau}};
\node[left,align=right] at (42,2) {to and from\\ Okerbach};
\node[left,align=right] at (42,5) {to and from\\ Pockelsdorf};
{ %% tracks
\draw[MainTrack] (R2W-1) -- (R2O-1); % track 1
\draw[MainTrack] ( 5, 0) -- ++( 1, 1);
\draw[MainTrack] (R2W-2) -- ++( 8, 0) -- ++(2,2) -- ++(26,0) -- ++(2,-2) -- (R2O-2); % track 3
\draw[SecondaryTrack] ( 9, 1) -- ++( 6, 0); % track 21
\draw[SecondaryTrack] ( 8, 4) -- ++( 7, 0); % track 41
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (12, 4) -- ++( 1,-1);
\draw[MainTrack] (14, 3) -- (15, 4) -- (R2P); % track 4
\draw[MainTrack] (14, 0) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++(18, 0); % track 2
\draw[MainTrack] (15, 3) -- ++( 2,-2);
\draw[MainTrack] (16, 4) -- (17, 5) -- (29, 5) -- ++(5,-5); % track 5
\draw[MainTrack] (28, 1) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++( 5, 0) -- ++(2, 2);
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (26, 5) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++( 3, 0); % track 51
{ %% track numbers
\node[fill=background] at ( 9.0, 4) {41};
\node[fill=background] at (10.0, 1) {21};
\node[fill=background] at (22.5, 0) { 1};
\node[fill=background] at (22.5, 1) { 2};
\node[fill=background] at (22.5, 3) { 3};
\node[fill=background] at (22.5, 4) { 4};
\node[fill=background] at (22.5, 5) { 5};
\node[fill=background] at (29.0, 6) {51};
{ %% bufferstops
\pic at ( 9, 1) {bufferstop_backward};
\pic at (30, 6) {bufferstop_forward};
{ %% turnouts
\pic at ( 5,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at ( 5,-0.2) {\footnotesize W1};
% \pic at ( 5,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at ( 6,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at ( 6,1.2) {\footnotesize W2};
% \pic at ( 6,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (11,4) {derailer_left_forward};
\node[left,align=right] at (11.1,4.2) {\footnotesize Gs41};
\pic at (12,4) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (12,4.2) {\footnotesize W3};
% \pic at (12,4) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (13,3) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (13,2.8) {\footnotesize W4};
% \pic at (13,3) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (14,3) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (14,2.8) {\footnotesize W5};
% \pic at (14,3) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (15,4) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (15,4.2) {\footnotesize W6};
% \pic at (15,4) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (14,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (14,-0.2) {\footnotesize W10};
% \pic at (14.0,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (15,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (15,1.2) {\footnotesize W11};
% \pic at (15,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (14,1) {derailer_left_forward};
\node[left,align=right] at (14.1,1.2) {\footnotesize Gs21};
\pic at (15,3) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (15,3.2) {\footnotesize W8};
% \pic at (15,3) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (16,4) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (16,3.8) {\footnotesize W7};
% \pic at (16,4) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (17,1) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (17,0.8) {\footnotesize W9};
% \pic at (17,1) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (28,1) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (28,0.8) {\footnotesize W15};
% \pic at (28,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (26,5) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (26,4.8) {\footnotesize W12};
% \pic at (28,5) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic [rotate=45] at (26.7,5.7) {derailer_right_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (26.8,5.6) {\footnotesize Gs51};
\pic at (30,4) {turnout_right_forward};
\pic at (30,4) {turnout_right_backward};
\pic at (30,4) {slip_right_forward};
\pic at (30,4) {slip_right_backward};
\node[left,align=right] at (29.7,4.2) {\footnotesize W13ab};
\node[right,align=left] at (30.3,3.8) {\footnotesize W13cd};
% \pic at (30,4) {fouling_point_right_backward};
% \pic at (30,4) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (31,3) {turnout_right_forward};
\pic at (31,3) {turnout_right_backward};
\pic at (31,3) {slip_right_forward};
\pic at (31,3) {slip_right_backward};
\node[left,align=right] at (30.7,3.2) {\footnotesize W14ab};
\node[right,align=left] at (31.3,2.8) {\footnotesize W14cd};
% \pic at (31,3) {fouling_point_right_backward};
% \pic at (31,3) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (32,2) {turnout_right_forward=none};
\pic at (32,2) {turnout_right_backward=none};
\node[right,align=left] at (31.9,2.2) {\footnotesize K16};
% \pic at (32,2) {fouling_point_right_backward};
% \pic at (32,2) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (33,1) {turnout_right_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (32.9,1.2) {\footnotesize W17};
% \pic at (33,1) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (34,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (34,-0.2) {\footnotesize W18};
% \pic at (34,0) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (35,3) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (35,3) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (35,3) {slip_left_forward};
\pic at (35,3) {slip_left_backward};
\node[left,align=right] at (34.7,2.8) {\footnotesize W19ab};
\node[right,align=left] at (35.3,3.2) {\footnotesize W19cd};
% \pic at (35,3) {fouling_point_left_backward};
% \pic at (35,3) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (36,4) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (36,4.2) {\footnotesize W20};
% \pic at (36,4) {fouling_point_left_backward};
{ %% platforms
\pic at (19.5,0) {platform_right=6};
\pic at (19.5,1) {platform_left=6};
\pic at (19.5,3) {platform_right=6};
{ %% signals
\pic at ( 1,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (1,-0.4) {A};
\pic at ( 1,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (1, 0.6) {AA};
\pic at ( 3,0) {shunt_limit_backward};
\pic at ( 4,0) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at ( 4,-0.4) {W1X};
\pic at ( 7,1) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at ( 7, 1.4) {W2Y};
\pic at ( 7,0) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at ( 7, 0.4) {W1Y};
\pic at (11,3) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (11, 2.6) {W4X};
\pic at (10,4) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (10, 3.6) {41X};
\pic at (13,0) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (13,-0.4) {W10X};
\pic at (13,1) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (13, 0.6) {21X};
\pic at (18.5,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18.5, 0.4) {P1};
\pic at (18.5,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18.5, 1.4) {P2};
\pic at (18.5,3) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18.5, 3.4) {P3};
\pic at (18.5,4) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18.5, 4.4) {P4};
\pic at (18.5,5) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (18.5, 5.4) {P5};
\pic at (24.5,5) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (24.5, 4.6) {N5};
\pic at (26.5,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (26.5, 0.6) {N2};
\pic at (26.5,3) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (26.5, 2.6) {N3};
\pic at (26.5,4) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (26.5, 3.6) {N4};
\pic at (27.5,6) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at ( 27.5, 6.4) {51Y};
\pic at (30.0,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (30.0,-0.4) {N1};
\pic at (35.0,0) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at ( 35, 0.4) {W18Y};
\pic[rotate=-45] at (36.8,2.2) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right,rotate=-45] at ( 37.0, 2.5) {W19Y};
\pic at (37.0,4) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at ( 37, 4.4) {W20Y};
\pic at (39.0,1) {shunt_limit_forward};
\pic at (39.0,4) {shunt_limit_forward};
\pic at (41.0,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (41.0, 0.4) {FF};
\pic at (41.0,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (41.0, 1.4) {F};
\pic at (41.0,4) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (41.0, 4.4) {G};
{ %% hectometer posts
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00,rotate=-90},every path/.style={base00,dashed}};
\draw (01.0,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {15.000};
\draw (14.5,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {15.800};
\draw (14.5, 4.35) -- ++(0, 1.2) node [ left,align=right] {15.800};
\draw (15.8,-0.35) -- ++(0,-1.2) node [right,align= left] {15.900};
\draw (15.8, 4.35) -- ++(0, 1.2) node [ left,align=right] {15.900};
\draw (18.5,-0.35) -- ++(0,-1.2) node [right,align= left] {16.000};
\draw (22.5,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {16.300};
\draw (24.5, 5.35) -- ++(0, 0.7) node [ left,align=right] {16.400};
\draw (26.5,-0.35) -- ++(0,-1.2) node [right,align= left] {16.500};
\draw (30.0,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {16.600};
\draw (30.0, 6.35) -- ++(0, 0.3) node [ left,align=right] {16.600};
\draw (30.0, 4.75) -- ++(0, 0.7);
\draw (31.5,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {16.700};
\draw (31.5, 4.35) -- ++(0, 0.7) node [ left,align=right] {16.700};
\draw (33.3,-0.35) -- ++(0,-1.2) node [right,align= left] {16.800};
\draw (41.0,-0.35) -- ++(0,-1.2) node [right,align= left] {17.200};

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

View File

@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = station_schleinitz.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
%% coordinates
\coordinate (S2O-1) at ( 0, 0); % track 1 to Okerbach
\coordinate (S2O-2) at ( 0, 1); % track 2 to Okerbach
\coordinate (S2P) at ( 0,-4); % track to Pockelsdorf
\coordinate (S2SB-1) at (44, 0); % track 1 to Schlossberg
\coordinate (S2SB-2) at (44, 1); % track 2 to Schlossberg
{ %% stations
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00}};
\node[right,align=left] at ( 0,2) {to and from\\ Okerbach};
% \node[left,align=right] at ( 8,4.0) {Sidings};
\node at ( 5.0,3.3) {{\LARGE Abzw Bülten}};
\node at (30.0,5.3) {{\LARGE Schleinitz}};
\node[left,align=right] at (44,2) {to and from\\ Schlossberg};
\node[left,align=right,rotate=45] at (2,-1) {to and from\\ Pockelsdorf};
{ %% tracks
\draw[MainTrack] (S2O-1) -- (S2SB-1); % track 2
\draw[MainTrack] (S2O-2) -- (S2SB-2); % track 3
\draw[MainTrack] (S2P) -- ++( 4, 4); % track to pockelsdorf
\draw[MainTrack] ( 5, 0) -- ++( 1, 1); % track W2/W3
\draw[MainTrack] (16, 1) -- ++( 1,-1); % track W4/W5
\draw[MainTrack] (18, 0) -- ++( 1, 1); % track W6/W7
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (23, 2) -- ++( -5, 0); % track 41
\draw[MainTrack] (22, 0) -- ++( 1,-1) -- ++(13. ,0) -- ++( 1. , 1); % track 1
\draw[MainTrack] (22, 1) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++(13. ,0) -- ++( 1. ,-1); % track 4
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (24, 2) -- ++( 1, 1) -- ++(10. ,0) -- ++( 1. ,-1); % track 5
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (36,-1) -- ++( 5, 0); % track 11
\draw[MainTrack] (38, 1) -- ++( 1,-1); % track W18/W19
{ %% track numbers
\node[fill=background] at (19.0, 2) {41};
\node[fill=background] at (30.0,-1) { 1};
\node[fill=background] at (30.0, 0) { 2};
\node[fill=background] at (30.0, 1) { 3};
\node[fill=background] at (30.0, 2) { 4};
\node[fill=background] at (30.0, 3) { 5};
\node[fill=background] at (40.0,-1) {11};
{ %% bufferstops
\pic at ( 18, 2) {bufferstop_backward};
\pic at ( 41,-1) {bufferstop_forward};
{ %% turnouts
\pic at ( 4,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at ( 4,0.2) {\footnotesize W1};
% \pic at ( 4,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at ( 5,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at ( 5,-0.2) {\footnotesize W2};
% \pic at ( 5,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at ( 6,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at ( 6,1.2) {\footnotesize W3};
% \pic at ( 6,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (16,1) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (16,1.2) {\footnotesize W4};
% \pic at (16,1) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (17,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (17,-0.2) {\footnotesize W5};
% \pic at (17,0) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (18,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (18,-0.2) {\footnotesize W6};
% \pic at (18,0) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (19,1) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (19,1.2) {\footnotesize W7};
% \pic at (19,1) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (22,0) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (22,0.2) {\footnotesize W8};
% \pic at (22,0) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (22,1) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (22,0.8) {\footnotesize W9};
% \pic at (22,1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (22,2) {derailer_left_forward};
\node[left,align=right] at (22,1.8) {\footnotesize Gs10};
\pic at (23,2) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (23,2.2) {\footnotesize W11};
% \pic at (23,2) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (24,2) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (24,1.8) {\footnotesize W12};
% \pic at (24,2) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (36,-1) {turnout_left_forward};
\node at (36,-1.2) {\footnotesize W13};
% \pic at (36,-1) {fouling_point_left_forward};
\pic at (36,2) {turnout_right_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (35.9,2.2) {\footnotesize W14};
% \pic at (17,0) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (37,1) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (37,0.8) {\footnotesize W17};
% \pic at (37,1) {fouling_point_right_backward};
\pic at (37,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\node at (37,0.2) {\footnotesize W16};
% \pic at (37,0) {fouling_point_left_backward};
\pic at (37,-1) {derailer_left_backward};
\node[right,align=left] at (37,-1.2) {\footnotesize Gs15};
\pic at (38,1) {turnout_right_forward};
\node at (38,1.2) {\footnotesize W18};
% \pic at (38,1) {fouling_point_right_forward};
\pic at (39,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\node at (39,-0.2) {\footnotesize W19};
% \pic at (39,0) {fouling_point_right_backward};
{ %% platforms
\pic at (27,0) {platform_left=6};
\pic at (27,1) {platform_right=6};
{ %% signals
\pic at ( 2,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (2,-0.4) {19};
\pic at ( 2,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (2, 0.6) {39};
\pic[rotate=45] at (2.25,-1.75) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left,rotate=45] at (2.5,-2.0) {49};
\pic at ( 8,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (8, 0.4) {20};
\pic at ( 8,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (8, 1.4) {30};
\pic at (12,0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (12,-0.4) {A};
\pic at (12,1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (12, 0.6) {AA};
\pic at (14,0) {shunt_limit_backward};
\pic at (15,0) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (15,-0.4) {W5X};
\pic at (15,1) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (15, 0.6) {W4X};
\pic at (21,1) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (21, 0.6) {W9X};
\pic at (20.5,2) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (20.5, 1.6) {W10X};
\pic at (24,-1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (24,-0.6) {P1};
\pic at (24, 0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (24, 0.4) {P2};
\pic at (26, 1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (26, 1.4) {P3};
\pic at (26, 2) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (26, 2.4) {P4};
\pic at (26, 3) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (26, 3.4) {W12Y};
\pic at (34, 3) {shunt_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (34, 2.6) {W14X};
\pic at (34, 2) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (34, 1.6) {N4};
\pic at (34, 1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (34, 0.6) {N3};
\pic at (34, 0) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (34,-0.4) {N2};
\pic at (34,-1) {route_signal_forward};
\node[left] at (34,-1.4) {N1};
\pic at (38,-1) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (38,-0.6) {W15Y};
\pic at (40,0) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (40,0.4) {W18Y};
\pic at (40,1) {shunt_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (40,1.4) {W19Y};
\pic at (41.5,1) {shunt_limit_forward};
\pic at (43.5,0) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (43.5, 0.4) {FF};
\pic at (43.5,1) {route_signal_backward};
\node[right] at (43.5, 1.4) {F};
{ %% hectometer posts
\tikzset{every node/.style={base00,rotate=-90},every path/.style={base00,dashed}};
% \draw (01.0,-0.85) -- ++(0,-0.7) node [right,align= left] {15.000};

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,58 +1,56 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\adjustbox{valign=c}{\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1.0,transform shape]
\path (-3,-1.1) rectangle (3,1.1); % background rectangle to unify every cell containing a symbol
language = TeX,%
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No. & Name & Symbol & Code & Sub library \\
No. & Name & Symbol & Code & Sublibrary \\
\No & main track & \symbol{main_track.tikz} & \code{main_track.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & main line (double track) & \symbol{main_line.tikz} & \code{main_line.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & track distance (in \si{\metre}) & \symbol{track_distance.tikz} & \code{track_distance.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & secondary track & \symbol{secondary_track.tikz} & \code{secondary_track.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & track number & \symbol{track_number.tikz} & \code{track_number.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & bufferstop (forward) & \symbol{bufferstop_forward.tikz} & \code{bufferstop_forward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & bufferstop (backward) & \symbol{bufferstop_backward.tikz} & \code{bufferstop_backward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & friction bufferstop (forward) & \symbol{friction_bufferstop_forward.tikz} & \code{friction_bufferstop_forward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & friction bufferstop (backward) & \symbol{friction_bufferstop_backward.tikz} & \code{friction_bufferstop_backward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & track closure & \symbol{track_closure.tikz} & \code{track_closure.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & turnout left (forward) & \symbol{turnout_left_forward.tikz} & \code{turnout_left_forward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
@ -117,6 +115,18 @@
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout right (backward)\\with moving points}
& \symbol{turnout_right_backward_moving_points.tikz} & \code{turnout_right_backward_moving_points.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout left (forward)\\operated manually}
& \symbol{turnout_left_forward_manually.tikz} & \code{turnout_left_forward_manually.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout right (forward)\\operated manually}
& \symbol{turnout_right_forward_manually.tikz} & \code{turnout_right_forward_manually.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout left (backward)\\operated manually}
& \symbol{turnout_left_backward_manually.tikz} & \code{turnout_left_backward_manually.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{5cm}{turnout right (backward)\\operated manually}
& \symbol{turnout_right_backward_manually.tikz} & \code{turnout_right_backward_manually.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & derailer left (forward) & \symbol{derailer_left_forward.tikz} & \code{derailer_left_forward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
@ -126,23 +136,25 @@
\No & derailer right (backward) & \symbol{derailer_right_backward.tikz} & \code{derailer_right_backward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & bufferstop (forward) & \symbol{bufferstop_forward.tikz} & \code{bufferstop_forward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & vehicles (parked) & \symbol{parked_vehicles.tikz} & \code{parked_vehicles.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & bufferstop (backward) & \symbol{bufferstop_backward.tikz} & \code{bufferstop_backward.tikz} & \texttt{topology} \\
\No & vehicles with label (parked) & \symbol{parked_vehicles_with_label.tikz} & \code{parked_vehicles_with_label.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & vehicles (parked) & \symbol{vehicles.tikz} & \code{vehicles.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & vehicle (parked) & \symbol{parked_vehicle.tikz} & \code{parked_vehicle.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & vehicles with label (parked) & \symbol{vehicles_with_label.tikz} & \code{vehicles_with_label.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{train in shunting mode\\(direction forward)}
& \symbol{train_shunt_mode_forward.tikz} & \code{train_shunt_mode_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & vehicle (parked) & \symbol{vehicle.tikz} & \code{vehicle.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{train in shunting mode\\(direction backward)}
& \symbol{train_shunt_mode_backward.tikz} & \code{train_shunt_mode_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train shunting (forward) & \symbol{train_shunting_forward.tikz} & \code{train_shunting_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train shunting (backward) & \symbol{train_shunting_backward.tikz} & \code{train_shunting_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train (direction forward) & \symbol{train_direction_forward.tikz} & \code{train_direction_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train (direction backward) & \symbol{train_direction_backward.tikz} & \code{train_direction_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & ghost train (direction forward) & \symbol{ghost_train_direction_forward.tikz} & \code{ghost_train_direction_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & ghost train (direction backward)& \symbol{ghost_train_direction_backward.tikz} & \code{ghost_train_direction_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train moving (forward) & \symbol{train_moving_forward.tikz} & \code{train_moving_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
@ -156,21 +168,17 @@
\No & train moving fast (backward) & \symbol{train_moving_fast_backward.tikz} & \code{train_moving_fast_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{train in shunting mode\\(direction forward)}
& \symbol{train_shunt_mode_forward.tikz} & \code{train_shunt_mode_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train ghost (direction forward) & \symbol{train_ghost_direction_forward.tikz} & \code{train_ghost_direction_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{train in shunting mode\\(direction backward)}
& \symbol{train_shunt_mode_backward.tikz} & \code{train_shunt_mode_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train shunting (forward) & \symbol{train_shunting_forward.tikz} & \code{train_shunting_forward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train shunting (backward) & \symbol{train_shunting_backward.tikz} & \code{train_shunting_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train ghost (direction backward)& \symbol{train_ghost_direction_backward.tikz} & \code{train_ghost_direction_backward.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{train operated automatic\\(direction forward)}
& \symbol{train_drive_automatic.tikz} & \code{train_drive_automatic.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{train operated by human\\(direction forward)}
& \symbol{train_drive_human.tikz} & \code{train_drive_human.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & train running over a junction & \symbol{bend_train.tikz} & \code{bend_train.tikz} & \texttt{vehicles} \\
\No & view point (forward) & \symbol{view_point_forward.tikz} & \code{view_point_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
@ -198,7 +206,7 @@
\No & route signal (backward) & \symbol{route_signal_backward.tikz} & \code{route_signal_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{combined signal\\(distant and block signal)}
\No & \parbox[c]{4cm}{combined signal\\(distant, block and route signal)}
& \symbol{combined_signal_forward.tikz} & \code{combined_signal_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & shunt signal (forward) & \symbol{shunt_signal_forward.tikz} & \code{shunt_signal_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
@ -212,24 +220,12 @@
\No & shunt limit (forward) & \symbol{shunt_limit_forward.tikz} & \code{shunt_limit_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & shunt limit (backward) & \symbol{shunt_limit_backward.tikz} & \code{shunt_limit_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & transmitter (below \& above) & \symbol{transmitter.tikz} & \code{transmitter.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (below)\\with signal}
& \symbol{transmitter_below_with_signal.tikz} & \code{transmitter_below_with_signal.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (below \& above)\\ effective forward}
& \symbol{transmitter_forward.tikz} & \code{transmitter_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (below \& above)\\ effective backward}
& \symbol{transmitter_backward.tikz} & \code{transmitter_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (below \& above)\\ effective bidirectional}
& \symbol{transmitter_bidirectional.tikz} & \code{transmitter_bidirectional.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & block end marker (forward) & \symbol{block_end_marker_forward.tikz} & \code{block_end_marker_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & block end marker (backward) & \symbol{block_end_marker_backward.tikz} & \code{block_end_marker_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & route (forward \& backward) & \symbol{route.tikz} & \code{route.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & block clearing point (forward) & \symbol{block_clearing_point_forward.tikz} & \code{block_clearing_point_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
@ -245,13 +241,23 @@
\No & train berth sign (backward) & \symbol{train_berth_sign_backward.tikz} & \code{train_berth_sign_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & train berth shape & \symbol{train_berth_shape.tikz} & \code{train_berth_shape.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & train berth & \symbol{train_berth.tikz} & \code{train_berth.tikz} & \parbox[c]{3cm}{\centering\texttt{trafficcontrol} \\ \& \\ \texttt{messures}} \\
\No & train berth shape bidirectional & \symbol{train_berth_shape_bidirectional.tikz} & \code{train_berth_shape_bidirectional.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & transmitter (right \& left) & \symbol{transmitter.tikz} & \code{transmitter.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & train berth with different shape& \symbol{train_berth_shape_different.tikz} & \code{train_berth_shape_different.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (right)\\with signal}
& \symbol{transmitter_right_with_signal.tikz} & \code{transmitter_right_with_signal.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & train berth & \symbol{train_berth.tikz} & \code{train_berth.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (right \& left)\\ effective forward}
& \symbol{transmitter_forward.tikz} & \code{transmitter_forward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (right \& left)\\ effective backward}
& \symbol{transmitter_backward.tikz} & \code{transmitter_backward.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & \parbox[c]{4.5cm}{transmitter (right \& left)\\ effective bidirectional}
& \symbol{transmitter_bidirectional.tikz} & \code{transmitter_bidirectional.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & loop transmitter & \symbol{loop_transmitter.tikz} & \code{loop_transmitter.tikz} & \texttt{trafficcontrol} \\
\No & platform (left) & \symbol{platform_left.tikz} & \code{platform_left.tikz} & \texttt{constructions} \\
@ -275,5 +281,15 @@
\No & interlocking & \symbol{interlocking.tikz} & \code{interlocking.tikz} & \texttt{constructions} \\
\No & train berth shape & \symbol{train_berth_shape.tikz} & \code{train_berth_shape.tikz} & \texttt{messures} \\
\No & train berth shape bidirectional & \symbol{train_berth_shape_bidirectional.tikz} & \code{train_berth_shape_bidirectional.tikz} & \texttt{messures} \\
\No & train berth with special shape & \symbol{train_berth_shape_special.tikz} & \code{train_berth_shape_special.tikz} & \texttt{messures} \\
\No & track distance (in \si{\metre}) & \symbol{track_distance.tikz} & \code{track_distance.tikz} & \texttt{messures} \\
\No & hectometer (in \si{\kilo\metre}) & \symbol{hectometer.tikz} & \code{hectometer.tikz} & \texttt{messures} \\

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A1) at (0 ,-0.5);
\coordinate (Y1) at (2.5,-0.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (6 ,-0.5);
\coordinate (A2) at (0 , 0.5);
\coordinate (Y2) at (3.5, 0.5);
\coordinate (B2) at (6 , 0.5);
\coordinate (T) at (5 , 0.5);
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1);
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2);
\maintrack (Y1) -- (Y2);
\turnout[forward ,branch=left ] at (Y1) label (Y1);
\turnout[backward,branch=right] at (Y2) label (Y2);
bend left at={(Y1)},bend right at={(Y2)},
shift label={(-2,-0.5)} % relative coordinate
] at (T) label (T1);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_clearing_point_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (CP) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\blockclearing[backward] at (CP) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_clearing_point_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (CP) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\blockclearing[forward] at (CP) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_end_marker_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\movementauthority[backward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_end_marker_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\movementauthority[forward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_signal_backward={S}};
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\blocksignal[backward] at (S) label (2);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_signal_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\blocksignal[forward] at (S) label (1);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {bridge_left=4};
\pic at (-2,0) {bridge_right=4};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (X) at (3,0);
% order is important
\bridge[] at (X); % first
\maintrack (A) -- (B); % secound

View File

@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A1) at (0, 0);
\coordinate (B1) at (6, 0);
\coordinate (A2) at (2,-1);
\coordinate (B2) at (4, 1);
\coordinate (X) at (3,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-1,-1) -- ++(2,2);
\fill[background] (-1,-0.4) rectangle (1,0.4);
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-1,0) {bridge_left=3};
\pic at (-2,0) {bridge_right=3};
% order is important
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2); % first
\bridge[shift left=0.25cm,shift right=-0.25cm] at (X); % secound
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1); % third

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (0,0) -- ++(2.5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {bufferstop_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\bufferstop[backward] at (A);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(2.5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {bufferstop_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\bufferstop[forward] at (B);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {clearing_point};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (CP) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\clearingpoint[backward] at (CP) label ();

View File

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {block_signal_forward={S}}; % Order 1
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\pic at (0,0) {distant_signal_forward}; % Order 2
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\signal[distant,block,route,forward,distant speed=8,speed=8]
at (S) label (K1);
% replace the 8 with desired speed or remove tikz key

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {derailer_left_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\derailer[backward,branch=left] at (Y) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {derailer_left_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\derailer[forward,branch=left] at (Y) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {derailer_right_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\derailer[backward,branch=right] at (Y) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {derailer_right_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\derailer[forward,branch=right] at (Y) label ();

View File

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0) -- ++(5,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-1 ,-1) -- ++(2,2);
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_left_forward=none};
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_left_backward=none};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++( 1, 1);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++(-1,-1);
\crossing[branch=left] at (Y) label ();

View File

@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5, 0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-1 ,1) -- ++(2,-2);
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_right_forward=none};
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_right_backward=none};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++( 1,-1);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++(-1, 1);
\crossing[branch=right] at (Y) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {distant_signal_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\distantsignal[backward] at (S) label (d2);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {distant_signal_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\distantsignal[forward] at (S) label (d1);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {distant_signal_backward={S}};
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\distantsignal[backward,distant speed={8}] at (S) label ();
% replace the 8 with desired speed or remove tikz key

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {distant_signal_forward={S}};
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\distantsignal[forward,distant speed={8}] at (S) label ();
% replace the 8 with desired speed or remove tikz key

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0) -- ++(5,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-1 ,-1) -- ++(2,2);
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_left_forward};
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_left_backward};
\pic at (0,0) {slip_left_forward};
\pic at (0,0) {slip_left_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++( 1, 1);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++(-1,-1);
\slipturnout[branch=left] at (Y) label (ab)(cd);

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5, 0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-1 ,1) -- ++(2,-2);
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_right_forward};
\pic at (0,0) {turnout_right_backward};
\pic at (0,0) {slip_right_forward};
\pic at (0,0) {slip_right_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (Y) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++( 1,-1);
\maintrack (Y) -- ++(-1, 1);
\slipturnout[branch=right] at (Y) label (ab)(cd);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {transmitter_below_bidirectional};
\coordinate (A) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\bufferstop[backward,friction=.5] at (A);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (2,0) {ghost_train_direction_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\bufferstop[forward,friction=.5] at (B);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X1) at (3,0);
\coordinate (X2) at (3.5,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (hb) at (0,-2);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\tikzset{hectometer base={(hb)},orientation=right}
\hectometer[] at (A) mileage (0.000);
\hectometer[] at (X1) mileage (4.000);
\hectometer[shift label={(0.3,0)}] at (X2) mileage (4.500);
\hectometer[] at (B) mileage (6.000);

doc/snippets/hump.tikz Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {hump};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (H) at (3,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\hump at (H);

doc/snippets/interlocking.tikz Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\pic at (0,0) {interlocking};
\coordinate (I) at (3,0);
\interlocking at (I);

View File

@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,-0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0, 0.5) {level_crossing_barrier_left};
\pic at (0, 0.5) {level_crossing};
\pic at (0,-0.5) {level_crossing_barrier_right};
\coordinate (A1) at (0,-0.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (6,-0.5);
\coordinate (A2) at (0, 0.5);
\coordinate (B2) at (6, 0.5);
\coordinate (X1) at (3, 0.5);
\coordinate (X2) at (3,-0.5);
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1);
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2);
\levelcrossing[barrier=semi,side=left] at (X1);
\levelcrossing[barrier=semi,side=right] at (X2);

View File

@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,-0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0, 1.5) {level_crossing_barrier_right};
\pic at (0, 0.5) {level_crossing_barrier_left};
\pic at (0, 0.5) {level_crossing};
\pic at (0,-0.5) {level_crossing_barrier_right};
\pic at (0,-1.5) {level_crossing_barrier_left};
\coordinate (A1) at (0,-0.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (6,-0.5);
\coordinate (A2) at (0, 0.5);
\coordinate (B2) at (6, 0.5);
\coordinate (X1) at (3, 0.5);
\coordinate (X2) at (3,-0.5);
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1);
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2);
\levelcrossing[barrier=full,side=left] at (X1);
\levelcrossing[barrier=full,side=right] at (X2);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {level_crossing_barrier_left};
\pic at (0,0) {level_crossing_barrier_right};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (X) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\levelcrossing[barrier=semi] at (X);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\transmitter[type=loop] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,-0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\coordinate (A1) at (0,-0.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (6,-0.5);
\coordinate (A2) at (0, 0.5);
\coordinate (B2) at (6, 0.5);
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1);
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {transmitter_below};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\messureline (A) -- (B);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (3,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\parkedvehicles[length=0.5cm] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (3,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\parkedvehicles[] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (3,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);
\parkedvehicles[] at (T) label (label);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {platform_left=4};
% change the 4 to desired length
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (P) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\platform[side=left] at (P);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,-0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2, 0.5) {platform_right};
\pic at (-2,-0.5) {platform_left};
\coordinate (A1) at (0,-0.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (6,-0.5);
\coordinate (A2) at (0, 0.5);
\coordinate (B2) at (6, 0.5);
\coordinate (P1) at (3, 0.5);
\coordinate (P2) at (3,-0.5);
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1);
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2);
\platform[side=right] at (P1);
\platform[side=left] at (P2);

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {platform_right=4};
% change the 4 to desired length
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (P) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\platform[side=right] at (P);

doc/snippets/route.tikz Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (R1) at (2,0);
\coordinate (R2) at (4,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\route[backward] at (R1);
\route[forward] at (R2);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {route_clearing_point_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (CP) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\routeclearing[backward] at (CP) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {route_clearing_point_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (CP) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\routeclearing[forward] at (CP) label ();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {route_signal_backward={S}};
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\routesignal[backward,speed={8}] at (S) label (F);
% replace the 8 with desired speed or remove tikz key

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {route_signal_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\routesignal[forward] at (S) label (R1);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[SecondaryTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\secondarytrack (A) -- (B);

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {shunt_limit_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\shuntlimit[backward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {shunt_limit_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\shuntlimit[forward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {shunt_signal_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\shuntsignal[backward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {shunt_signal_backward_locked};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\shuntsignal[backward,locked] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {shunt_signal_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\shuntsignal[forward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {shunt_signal_forward_locked};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\shuntsignal[forward,locked] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {speed_signal_backward={S}};
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\speedsignal[backward,speed={8}] at (S) label ();
% replace the 8 with desired speed

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {speed_signal_forward={S}};
% replace the S with desired speed or remove
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\speedsignal[forward,speed={8}] at (S) label ();
% replace the 8 with desired speed

View File

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {ghost_train_direction_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\trackclosure at (B);

doc/snippets/track_distance.tikz Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5, 0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,-0.5) {track_distance={4,50}};
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,-0.5) -- ++(5,0);
\coordinate (A1) at (0,-0.5);
\coordinate (X1) at (3,-0.5);
\coordinate (B1) at (6,-0.5);
\coordinate (A2) at (0, 0.5);
\coordinate (X2) at (3, 0.5);
\coordinate (B2) at (6, 0.5);
\maintrack (A1) -- (B1);
\maintrack (A2) -- (B2);
\trackdistance between (X2) and (X1) distance (4,50);

doc/snippets/track_number.tikz Executable file → Normal file
View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0, 0) {track_number={2}};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (X) at (3,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
% order is important
\maintrack (A) -- (B); % first
\tracklabel at (X) label (No.); % secound

View File

@ -1,10 +1,18 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {train_berth_sign_backward};
\pic at (-2,0) {train_berth_shape};
\pic at ( 2,0) {train_berth_sign_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (H) at (3,0);
\coordinate (S1) at (1,0);
\coordinate (S2) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\berth[forward ] at (H) length ();
\berth[backward] at (H) length ();
\berthsignal[backward] at (S1) label ();
\berthsignal[forward ] at (S2) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {train_berth_shape_forward={4}};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (H) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\berth[forward] at (H) length (\SI{750}{\metre});

View File

@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {train_berth_shape=4};
% change the 4 to desired length
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (H) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\berth[bidirectional] at (H) length (\SI{750}{\metre});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (H1) at (3.25,0);
\coordinate (H2) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\berth[forward ,length=3.0cm] at (H1) length (\SI{550}{\metre});
\berth[backward,length=3.5cm] at (H2) length (\SI{650}{\metre});

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {train_berth_sign_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\berthsignal[backward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (0,0) {train_berth_sign_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (S) at (3,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\berthsignal[forward] at (S) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {train_direction_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (1,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[backward] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (2,0) {train_direction_forward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[forward] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (2,0) {train_direction_forward}; % train
\pic at (2,0) {train_automatic_forward}; % triangle
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[operation=automatic,forward] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (2,0) {train_direction_forward}; % train
\pic at (2,0) {train_human_forward}; % dot
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[operation=manual,forward] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (1,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[ghost,backward] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (5,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[ghost,forward] at (T) label ();

View File

@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = ../snippets.tex
% Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Copyright (c) 2018 - 2020, Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
\draw[MainTrack] (-2.5,0) -- ++(5,0);
\pic at (-2,0) {train_moving_backward};
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (6,0);
\coordinate (T) at (1,0);
\maintrack (A) -- (B);
\train[run=normal,backward] at (T) label ();

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More