
4.2 KiB


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue, email, or any other method with the owners of this repository before making a change.

Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

Julia Development Environment

Link your local git repository to Julia:

$ ln -s ~/path/to/TrainRuns.jl ~/.julia/dev/TrainRuns 

Have a look how to develop Julia packages: You might want to use Revise.jl as well:


and then just load with using Revise (preferably by putting it in the ~/.julia/config/startup.jl file).

You can overide the standard TrainRuns package with the local development branch (see linking above) with:

julia> # use the ] key
(@v1.x) pkg> develop TrainRuns
(@v1.x) pkg> # use backspace
julia> using TrainRuns # local development branch will be loaded

If you want to add a dependency use:

julia> # use the ] key
(@v1.x) pkg> activate TrainRuns
(TrainRuns) pkg>

Files in TrainRuns

file concern
TrainRuns.jl main file and function
types.jl special TrainRuns types
constructors.jl type constructors
formulary.jl formulars from literature
output.jl transformation into DataFrames

Reporting Issues

  • It's always good to start with a quick search for an existing issue to post on, or related issues for context, before opening a new issue
  • Including minimal examples is greatly appreciated
  • If it's a bug, or unexpected behaviour, reproducing on the latest development version (Pkg.add(name="TrainRuns", rev="main")) is a good gut check and can streamline the process, along with including the first two lines of output from versioninfo()

Style Guidelines


Git Recommendations For Pull Requests

  • Avoid working from the main branch of your fork, creating a new branch will make it easier if TrainRuns.jl main branch changes and you need to update your pull request;
  • All PRs and issues should be opened against the main branch not against the current release;
  • Run tests of your code before sending any commit to GitHub. Only push changes when the tests of the change are passing locally. In particular note that it is not a problem if you send several commits in one push command to GitHub as CI will be run only once then;
  • If any conflicts arise due to changes in TrainRuns.jl main branch, prefer updating your pull request branch with git rebase (rather than git merge), since the latter will introduce a merge commit that might confuse GitHub when displaying the diff of your PR, which makes your changes more difficult to review. Alternatively use conflict resolution tool available at GitHub;
  • Please try to use descriptive commit messages to simplify the review process;
  • Using git add -p or git add -i can be useful to avoid accidently committing unrelated changes;
  • Maintainers get notified of all changes made on GitHub. However, what is useful is writing a short message after a sequence of changes is made summarizing what has changed and that the PR is ready for a review;
  • When linking to specific lines of code in discussion of an issue or pull request, hit the y key while viewing code on GitHub to reload the page with a URL that includes the specific commit that you're viewing. That way any lines of code that you refer to will still be correct in the future, even if additional commits are pushed to the branch you are reviewing;
  • Please make sure you follow the code formatting guidelines when submitting a PR; Also preferably do not modify parts of code that you are not editing as this makes reviewing the PR harder (it is better to open a separate maintenance PR if e.g. code layout can be improved);
  • If a PR is not finished yet and should not be reviewed yet then it should be opened as DRAFT (in this way maintainers will know that they can ignore such PR until it is made non-draft or the author asks for a review).