#!/usr/bin/env julia # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # __julia-version__ = 1.7.0 # __author__ = "Max Kannenberg, Martin Scheidt" # __copyright__ = "2021" # __license__ = "ISC" using TrainRuns, Test trains = Dict() paths = Dict() settings = Dict() @testset "load data" begin println("testing load train data") push!(trains, :freight => @time Train("test/data/trains/freight.yaml")) push!(trains, :local => @time Train("test/data/trains/local.yaml")) push!(trains, :longdistance => @time Train("test/data/trains/longdistance.yaml")) println("testing load path data") push!(paths, :const => @time Path("test/data/paths/const.yaml")) push!(paths, :slope => @time Path("test/data/paths/slope.yaml")) push!(paths, :speed => @time Path("test/data/paths/speed.yaml")) push!(paths, :realworld => @time Path("test/data/paths/realworld.yaml")) println("testing load settings data") push!(settings, "default" => @time Settings()) push!(settings, "poi" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/points_of_interest.yaml")) push!(settings, "drivingcourse" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/driving_course.yaml")) push!(settings, "everything" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/everything.yaml")) push!(settings, "strip" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/strip.yaml")) push!(settings, "time" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/time.yaml")) push!(settings, "timestrip" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/time_strip.yaml")) push!(settings, "velocity" => @time Settings("test/data/settings/velocity.yaml")) @test typeof(first(paths)[2]) == Path @test typeof(first(settings)[2]) == Settings end println("====================") tests = Base.Iterators.product(trains,paths) ## routine to generate the anticipated Dict() # anticipated = Dict() # for test in tests # println(test[1][1],"-",test[2][1]) # result = @time trainrun(test[1][2],test[2][2]) # push!(anticipated, Symbol(String(test[1][1]) * "_" * String(test[2][1])) => result ) # end anticipated = Dict( :default => Dict( :longdistance_speed => 499.96109564970516, :freight_slope => 831.4768274141168, :local_slope => 396.99313307033276, :longdistance_const => 328.83479381353095, :freight_realworld => 8971.50124080998, :longdistance_slope => 329.22915822053164, :freight_const => 727.7969403041934, :longdistance_realworld => 2900.1198723158523, :local_speed => 524.3948201513945, :local_realworld => 3443.917823618831, :freight_speed => 733.2610572579886, :local_const => 392.7234008268302 ) ) @testset "function trainrun()" begin @testset "Default settings" begin for test in tests test_name = String(test[1][1]) * "_" * String(test[2][1]) println("testing $test_name") @time result = trainrun(test[1][2],test[2][2]) expected = anticipated[:default][Symbol(test_name)] # compare result to test data set @test isapprox(result, expected, rtol=0.1) println("--------------------") end end println("====================") end