Remove function CharacteristicSections and move code to calc.jl

Max Kannenberg 2022-12-03 21:02:41 +01:00
parent 2f463a4a92
commit 70410e7985
2 changed files with 20 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -322,8 +322,25 @@ function determineCharacteristics(path::Path, train::Train, settings::Settings)
sort!(pointsOfInterest, by = x -> x[:s])
characteristicSections = CharacteristicSections(path, train.v_limit, train.length, pointsOfInterest)
characteristicSections = secureBrakingBehavior!(characteristicSections, train.a_braking, settings.approxLevel)
# create the characteristic sections of a moving section 'CSs' dependent on the paths attributes
CSs = Vector{Dict}()
s_csStart = path.sections[1][:s_start] # first position (in m)
return (characteristicSections, pointsOfInterest)
for row in 2:length(path.sections)
previousSection = path.sections[row-1]
currentSection = path.sections[row]
speedLimitIsDifferent = min(previousSection[:v_limit], train.v_limit) != min(currentSection[:v_limit], train.v_limit)
pathResistanceIsDifferent = previousSection[:f_Rp] != currentSection[:f_Rp]
if speedLimitIsDifferent || pathResistanceIsDifferent
push!(CSs, CharacteristicSection(s_csStart, previousSection, min(previousSection[:v_limit], train.v_limit), train.length, pointsOfInterest))
s_csStart = currentSection[:s_start]
end #if
end #for
push!(CSs, CharacteristicSection(s_csStart, path.sections[end], min(path.sections[end][:v_limit], train.v_limit), train.length, pointsOfInterest))
# secure that the train is able to brake sufficiently and keeps speed limits
CSs = secureBrakingBehavior!(CSs, train.a_braking, settings.approxLevel)
return (CSs, pointsOfInterest)
end #function determineCharacteristics

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@ -613,28 +613,6 @@ function Train(file, type = :YAML)
end #function Train() # outer constructor
## create the moving section's characteristic sections
function CharacteristicSections(path::Path, v_trainLimit::Real, s_trainLength::Real, MS_poi::Vector{NamedTuple})
# create and return the characteristic sections of a moving section dependent on the paths attributes
CSs = Vector{Dict}()
s_csStart = path.sections[1][:s_start] # first position (in m)
#csId = 1
for row in 2:length(path.sections)
previousSection = path.sections[row-1]
currentSection = path.sections[row]
speedLimitIsDifferent = min(previousSection[:v_limit], v_trainLimit) != min(currentSection[:v_limit], v_trainLimit)
pathResistanceIsDifferent = previousSection[:f_Rp] != currentSection[:f_Rp]
if speedLimitIsDifferent || pathResistanceIsDifferent
push!(CSs, CharacteristicSection(s_csStart, previousSection, min(previousSection[:v_limit], v_trainLimit), s_trainLength, MS_poi))
s_csStart = currentSection[:s_start]
#csId = csId+1
end #if
end #for
push!(CSs, CharacteristicSection(s_csStart, path.sections[end], min(path.sections[end][:v_limit], v_trainLimit), s_trainLength, MS_poi))
return CSs
end #function CharacteristicSections
## create a characteristic section for a path section.
function CharacteristicSection(s_entry::Real, section::Dict, v_limit::Real, s_trainLength::Real, MS_poi::Vector{NamedTuple})