Remove behavior section "cruisingAfterCoasting"

development v0.7
Max Kannenberg 2022-01-14 10:15:34 +01:00
parent 0b15ba343d
commit 483878cb02
7 changed files with 153 additions and 339 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "TrainRun"
uuid = "e4541106-d44c-4e00-b50b-ecdf479fcf92"
authors = ["Max Kannenberg"]
version = "0.6.2"
version = "0.7.0"
CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"

View File

@ -31,6 +31,18 @@ train_run = calculateDrivingDynamics(train, running_path, settings)
# History
## Version 0.7
Refactor all mutable structs as a Dictionaries
- Refactor the mutable struct EnergySavingModification from types.jl as a Dictionary in OperationsModes.jl
- Refactor the mutable struct CharacteristicSection from types.jl as a Dictionary in Preparation.jl
- Refactor the mutable struct BehaviorSection from types.jl as a Dictionary in MovingPhases.jl
- Refactor the mutable struct DataPoint from types.jl as a Dictionary in MovingPhases.jl
- Remove behavior section "cruisingAfterCoasting"
- Rename some variables
## Version 0.6.2
Add function addStandstill! for creating the BehaviorSection standstill

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ end #function calculateRecoveryTime
# TODO: a refactoring caused worse drivingsCourses. see the commented function below
function increaseCoastingSection(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, settings::Dict, train::Dict, allCSs::Vector{Dict}, t_recoveryAvailable::AbstractFloat)
BSsOriginal = csOriginal[:behaviorSections]
if (haskey(BSsOriginal, :cruising) || haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing)) && haskey(BSsOriginal, :braking)
if (haskey(BSsOriginal, :cruising) || (haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing) && get(BSsOriginal, :diminishing, Dict(:dataPoints =>[0]))[:dataPoints][1] > get(BSsOriginal, :acceleration, Dict(:dataPoints =>[0]))[:dataPoints][1])) && haskey(BSsOriginal, :braking)
# check if cruising or diminishing should be reduced for coasting
if haskey(BSsOriginal, :cruising) && haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing)
if BSsOriginal[:cruising][:dataPoints][1] > BSsOriginal[:diminishing][:dataPoints][1]
@ -115,7 +115,130 @@ function increaseCoastingSection(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict},
elseif haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing)
error("in increaseCoastingSection") #TODO
# copy csOriginal to csModifiedInitial
csModifiedInitial = copyCharacteristicSection(csOriginal)
BSsModified = csModifiedInitial[:behaviorSections]
# delete bahavior sections that will be recalculated except breakFree, clearing, acceleration, diminishing
# and rest total running time and energy consumption
if haskey(BSsModified, :coasting)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:coasting][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:coasting][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :coasting)
if haskey(BSsModified, :braking)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:braking][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:braking][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :braking)
if haskey(BSsModified, :standstill)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:standstill][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:standstill][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :standstill)
if reduceCruising
cruisingReduction = settings[:stepSize]
# 01/07 test for a better calculation time: cruisingReduction = settings[:stepSize]*100
# remove old cruising section
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:cruising][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:cruising][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :cruising)
# determine the starting point of saving energy (needed for copying the characteristic section's drivingCourse)
energySavingStartId=get(BSsOriginal, :cruising, Dict(:dataPoints=>[0]))[:dataPoints][1]
if energySavingStartId==0
error("ERROR at creating a new driving course for energy saving with coasting !")
while cruisingReduction>=settings[:stepSize]/10^approximationLevel
#while cruisingReduction>=settings[:stepSize]/100
while cruisingReduction>=settings[:stepSize]/10^approximationLevel # will be done once and then depending on approximationLevel repeated with smaller cruisingReduction unless !(drivingCourseModified[end][:v]<=csModified[:v_exit] && drivingCourseModified[end][:s]<csModified[:s_exit]) -> see below at the end of the while loop
# copy the characteristic section for being modified
csModified = copyCharacteristicSection(csModifiedInitial)
# copy the driving course till the beginning of energy saving
drivingCourseModified = copy(drivingCourse[1:energySavingStartId]) # List of data points till the start of energy saving
# calculating the new length of the cruising section
if settings[:stepVariable]=="s in m" # distance step method
s_cruising = BSsOriginal[:cruising][:length] - cruisingReduction
elseif settings[:stepVariable]=="t in s" # time step method
# 09/20 old: doesn't work for non constant cruising -> TODO: should work now
# t_cruising=BSsOriginal[:cruising][:t]-cruisingReduction
# s_cruising=t_cruising*drivingCourseModified[end][:v]
distanceReduction = drivingCourse[BSsOriginal[:cruising][:dataPoints][end]][:v] * cruisingReduction
s_cruising = BSsOriginal[:cruising][:length]-distanceReduction
elseif settings[:stepVariable]=="v in m/s" # velocity step method
s_cruising=BSsOriginal[:cruising][:length]-cruisingReduction*10 # TODO: or better: *100 ?
end #if
s_cruising=max(0.0, s_cruising)
# calculate the new and now shorter cruising section
if s_cruising>0.0
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruising, settings, train, allCSs, "cruising")
# calculate the coasting phase until the point the train needs to brake
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCoastingPhaseUntilBraking!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] < csModified[:v_exit] || drivingCourseModified[end][:s] > csModified[:s_exit]
# the train reaches v_exit before reaching s_exit. The cruising and coasting sections have to be calculated again with a larger cruising section (so with a smaller reduction of the cruising section)
end # while cruisingReduction
# calculate the moving phase between coasting and the end of the CS
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] > csModified[:v_exit]
#(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings[:massModel], train, allCSs)
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
if t_recoveryAvailable < csModified[:t]-csOriginal[:t] || drivingCourseModified[end][:v] != csModified[:v_exit] || drivingCourseModified[end][:s] != csModified[:s_exit] # time loss is to high and the CS has to be calculated again with larger cruising section (so with a smaller reduction of the cruising section) or v_exit or s_exit are not reached excatly
return (csModified, drivingCourseModified, true)
end #while
elseif reduceDiminishing
# TODO: At the moment diminishing is reduced similar to the acceleration in decreaseMaximumVelocity. To reduce code the methods for reducing cruising phase and reducing the diminishing phase can be combined in some parts.
csModified = csModifiedInitial
diminishingSection = BSsModified[:diminishing]
# remove the last diminishing waypoint
t_diff = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:t] - drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end-1]][:t]
E_diff = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:E] - drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end-1]][:E]
diminishingSection[:v_exit] = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:v] # exit speed (in m/s)
diminishingSection[:s_exit] = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:s] # last position (in m)
diminishingSection[:length] = diminishingSection[:s_exit] - diminishingSection[:s_entry] # total length (in m)
diminishingSection[:t] = diminishingSection[:t] - t_diff # total running time (in s)
diminishingSection[:E] = diminishingSection[:E] - E_diff # total energy consumption (in Ws)
# merge!(BSsModified, Dict(:diminishing => diminishingSection))
csModified[:E] = csModified[:E] - t_diff
csModified[:t] = csModified[:t] - E_diff
energySavingStartId = diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]
if length(diminishingSection[:dataPoints]) == 2 # The diminishing section was only one step. This step is removed and so the complette diminishing section.
delete!(BSsModified, :diminishing)
if reduceCruising
cruisingReduction = settings[:stepSize]
@ -211,10 +334,6 @@ function increaseCoastingSection(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict},
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] > csModified[:v_exit]
#(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings[:massModel], train, allCSs)
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
elseif drivingCourseModified[end][:v] == csModified[:v_exit] && drivingCourseModified[end][:s] < csModified[:s_exit]
# v_exit is already reached. Now cruise till the end of the CS
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruisingAfterCoasting, settings, train, allCSs, "cruisingAfterCoasting")
if t_recoveryAvailable < csModified[:t]-csOriginal[:t] || drivingCourseModified[end][:v] != csModified[:v_exit] || drivingCourseModified[end][:s] != csModified[:s_exit] # time loss is to high and the CS has to be calculated again with larger cruising section (so with a smaller reduction of the cruising section) or v_exit or s_exit are not reached excatly
@ -299,14 +418,9 @@ function increaseCoastingSection(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict},
# calculate the moving phase between coasting and the end of the CS
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] > csModified[:v_exit]
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
elseif drivingCourseModified[end][:v] == csModified[:v_exit] && drivingCourseModified[end][:s] < csModified[:s_exit]
# v_exit is already reached. Now cruise till the end of the CS
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruisingAfterCoasting, settings, train, allCSs, "cruisingAfterCoasting")
if t_recoveryAvailable>=(csModified[:t]-csOriginal[:t])
if t_recoveryAvailable >= csModified[:t] - csOriginal[:t]
return (csModified, drivingCourseModified, true)
else # time loss is to high. so there is no energy saving modification for this CS with the available recovery time
# TODO: just return false or take smaller steps?
@ -325,314 +439,7 @@ function increaseCoastingSection(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict},
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
end # function increaseCoastingSection
function increaseCoastingSection(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, settings::Dict, train::Dict, allCSs::Vector{Dict}, t_recoveryAvailable::AbstractFloat)
BSsOriginal = csOriginal[:behaviorSections]
if (haskey(BSsOriginal, :cruising) || (haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing) && get(BSsOriginal, :diminishing, Dict(:dataPoints =>[0]))[:dataPoints][1] > get(BSsOriginal, :acceleration, Dict(:dataPoints =>[0]))[:dataPoints][1])) && haskey(BSsOriginal, :braking)
# check if cruising or diminishing should be reduced for coasting
if haskey(BSsOriginal, :cruising) && haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing)
if BSsOriginal[:cruising][:dataPoints][1] > BSsOriginal[:diminishing][:dataPoints][1]
elseif haskey(BSsOriginal, :cruising)
elseif haskey(BSsOriginal, :diminishing)
error("in increaseCoastingSection") #TODO
# copy csOriginal to csModifiedInitial
csModifiedInitial = copyCharacteristicSection(csOriginal)
BSsModified = csModifiedInitial[:behaviorSections]
# delete bahavior sections that will be recalculated except breakFree, clearing, acceleration, diminishing
# and rest total running time and energy consumption
if haskey(BSsModified, :coasting)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:coasting][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:coasting][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :coasting)
if haskey(BSsModified, :cruisingAfterCoasting)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:cruisingAfterCoasting][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:cruisingAfterCoasting][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :cruisingAfterCoasting)
if haskey(BSsModified, :braking)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:braking][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:braking][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :braking)
if haskey(BSsModified, :standstill)
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:standstill][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:standstill][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :standstill)
if reduceCruising
cruisingReduction = settings[:stepSize]
# 01/07 test for a better calculation time: cruisingReduction = settings[:stepSize]*100
# remove old cruising section
csModifiedInitial[:E] = csModifiedInitial[:E] - BSsModified[:cruising][:E]
csModifiedInitial[:t] = csModifiedInitial[:t] - BSsModified[:cruising][:t]
delete!(BSsModified, :cruising)
# determine the starting point of saving energy (needed for copying the characteristic section's drivingCourse)
energySavingStartId=get(BSsOriginal, :cruising, Dict(:dataPoints=>[0]))[:dataPoints][1]
if energySavingStartId==0
error("ERROR at creating a new driving course for energy saving with coasting !")
while cruisingReduction>=settings[:stepSize]/10^approximationLevel
#while cruisingReduction>=settings[:stepSize]/100
while cruisingReduction>=settings[:stepSize]/10^approximationLevel # will be done once and then depending on approximationLevel repeated with smaller cruisingReduction unless !(drivingCourseModified[end][:v]<=csModified[:v_exit] && drivingCourseModified[end][:s]<csModified[:s_exit]) -> see below at the end of the while loop
# copy the characteristic section for being modified
csModified = copyCharacteristicSection(csModifiedInitial)
# copy the driving course till the beginning of energy saving
drivingCourseModified = copy(drivingCourse[1:energySavingStartId]) # List of data points till the start of energy saving
# calculating the new length of the cruising section
if settings[:stepVariable]=="s in m" # distance step method
s_cruising = BSsOriginal[:cruising][:length] - cruisingReduction
elseif settings[:stepVariable]=="t in s" # time step method
# 09/20 old: doesn't work for non constant cruising -> TODO: should work now
# t_cruising=BSsOriginal[:cruising][:t]-cruisingReduction
# s_cruising=t_cruising*drivingCourseModified[end][:v]
distanceReduction = drivingCourse[BSsOriginal[:cruising][:dataPoints][end]][:v] * cruisingReduction
s_cruising = BSsOriginal[:cruising][:length]-distanceReduction
elseif settings[:stepVariable]=="v in m/s" # velocity step method
s_cruising=BSsOriginal[:cruising][:length]-cruisingReduction*10 # TODO: or better: *100 ?
end #if
s_cruising=max(0.0, s_cruising)
# calculate the new and now shorter cruising section
if s_cruising>0.0
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruising, settings, train, allCSs, "cruising")
# calculate the coasting phase until the point the train needs to brake
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCoastingPhaseUntilBraking!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] < csModified[:v_exit] || drivingCourseModified[end][:s] > csModified[:s_exit]
# the train reaches v_exit before reaching s_exit. The cruising and coasting sections have to be calculated again with a larger cruising section (so with a smaller reduction of the cruising section)
end # while cruisingReduction
# calculate the moving phase between coasting and the end of the CS
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] > csModified[:v_exit]
#(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings[:massModel], train, allCSs)
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
elseif drivingCourseModified[end][:v] == csModified[:v_exit] && drivingCourseModified[end][:s] < csModified[:s_exit]
# v_exit is already reached. Now cruise till the end of the CS
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruisingAfterCoasting, settings, train, allCSs, "cruisingAfterCoasting")
if t_recoveryAvailable < csModified[:t]-csOriginal[:t] || drivingCourseModified[end][:v] != csModified[:v_exit] || drivingCourseModified[end][:s] != csModified[:s_exit] # time loss is to high and the CS has to be calculated again with larger cruising section (so with a smaller reduction of the cruising section) or v_exit or s_exit are not reached excatly
return (csModified, drivingCourseModified, true)
end #while
elseif reduceDiminishing
# TODO: At the moment diminishing is reduced similar to the acceleration in decreaseMaximumVelocity. To reduce code the methods for reducing cruising phase and reducing the diminishing phase can be combined in some parts.
csModified = csModifiedInitial
diminishingSection = BSsModified[:diminishing]
# remove the last diminishing waypoint
t_diff = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:t] - drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end-1]][:t]
E_diff = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:E] - drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end-1]][:E]
diminishingSection[:v_exit] = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:v] # exit speed (in m/s)
diminishingSection[:s_exit] = drivingCourse[diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]][:s] # last position (in m)
diminishingSection[:length] = diminishingSection[:s_exit] - diminishingSection[:s_entry] # total length (in m)
diminishingSection[:t] = diminishingSection[:t] - t_diff # total running time (in s)
diminishingSection[:E] = diminishingSection[:E] - E_diff # total energy consumption (in Ws)
# merge!(BSsModified, Dict(:diminishing => diminishingSection))
csModified[:E] = csModified[:E] - t_diff
csModified[:t] = csModified[:t] - E_diff
energySavingStartId = diminishingSection[:dataPoints][end]
if length(diminishingSection[:dataPoints]) == 2 # The diminishing section was only one step. This step is removed and so the complette diminishing section.
delete!(BSsModified, :diminishing)
# copy the driving course till the beginning of energy saving
drivingCourseModified = copy(drivingCourse[1:energySavingStartId]) # List of data points till the start of energy saving
# calculate the coasting phase until the point the train needs to brake
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCoastingPhaseUntilBraking!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
# calculate the moving phase between coasting and the end of the CS
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v] > csModified[:v_exit]
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
elseif drivingCourseModified[end][:v] == csModified[:v_exit] && drivingCourseModified[end][:s] < csModified[:s_exit]
# v_exit is already reached. Now cruise till the end of the CS
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruisingAfterCoasting, settings, train, allCSs, "cruisingAfterCoasting")
if t_recoveryAvailable>=(csModified[:t]-csOriginal[:t])
return (csModified, drivingCourseModified, true)
else # time loss is to high. so there is no energy saving modification for this CS with the available recovery time
# TODO: just return false or take smaller steps?
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
# there is no energy saving modification for this CS with the available recovery time
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
# there is no energy saving modification for this CS because a cruising section AND a braking section are needed to be transformed into a coasting section
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
end # function increaseCoastingSection
# TODO: with changing DataPoint to Dict and trying to use copy() there occured calculation errors that can't be corrected at the moment. see the code down below
function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse, settings::Dict, train::Dict, allCSs::Vector{Dict}, t_recoveryAvailable::AbstractFloat)
#function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::CharacteristicSection, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, settings::Dict, train::Dict, allCSs::Vector{CharacteristicSection}, t_recoveryAvailable::AbstractFloat)
BSsOriginal = csOriginal[:behaviorSections]
if haskey(BSsOriginal, :acceleration) && csOriginal[:v_peak] > csOriginal[:v_entry] && csOriginal[:v_peak] > csOriginal[:v_exit]
accelerationSection = copyBehaviorSection(BSsOriginal[:acceleration])
if drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][end]-1][:v] < csOriginal[:v_exit]
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
# TODO: or calculate a new acceleration phase with v_exit as v_peak? it will be very short, shorter than the step size.
# copy csOriginal to csModified
# 12/28 old: csModified=CharacteristicSection(csOriginal[:id], csOriginal[:length], csOriginal[:s_entry], csOriginal[:s_exit], 0.0, 0.0, csOriginal[:v_limit], csOriginal[:v_peak], csOriginal[:v_entry], csOriginal[:v_exit], csOriginal[:r_path], Dict{Symbol, Dict}())
csModified=Dict(:id => csOriginal[:id], # identifier
:s_entry => csOriginal[:s_entry], # first position (in m)
:s_exit => csOriginal[:s_exit], # last position (in m)
:length => csOriginal[:length], # total length (in m)
:r_path => csOriginal[:r_path], # path resistance (in ‰)
:behaviorSections => Dict(), # empty list of containing behavior sections
:t => 0.0, # total running time (in s)
:E => 0.0, # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_limit => csOriginal[:v_limit], # speed limit (in m/s)
:v_peak => csOriginal[:v_peak], # maximum reachable speed (in m/s)
:v_entry => csOriginal[:v_entry], # maximum entry speed (in m/s)
:v_exit => csOriginal[:v_exit]) # maximum exit speed (in m/s)
BSsModified = csModified[:behaviorSections]
if haskey(BSsOriginal, :breakFree)
merge!(BSsModified, Dict(:breakFree=>breakFreeSection))
csModified[:E] = csModified[:E] + BSsModified[:breakFree][:E]
csModified[:t] = csModified[:t] + BSsModified[:breakFree][:t]
#accelerationSection = copyBehaviorSection(get(BSsOriginal, :acceleration, Dict()))
if length(accelerationSection[:dataPoints]) > 2
if haskey(BSsOriginal, :clearing)
merge!(BSsModified, Dict(:clearing=>clearingSection))
csModified[:E] = csModified[:E] + BSsModified[:clearing][:E]
csModified[:t] = csModified[:t] + BSsModified[:clearing][:t]
# remove the last acceleration waypoint
accelerationSection[:v_exit]=drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][end]][:v] # exit speed (in m/s)
accelerationSection[:s_exit]=drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][end]][:s] # last position (in m)
accelerationSection[:length]=accelerationSection[:s_exit]-accelerationSection[:s_entry] # total length (in m)
accelerationSection[:t]=drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][end]][:t]-drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][1]][:t] # total running time (in s)
accelerationSection[:E]=drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][end]][:E]-drivingCourse[accelerationSection[:dataPoints][1]][:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
merge!(BSsModified, Dict(:acceleration=>accelerationSection))
csModified[:E] = csModified[:E] + BSsModified[:acceleration][:E]
csModified[:t] = csModified[:t] + BSsModified[:acceleration][:t]
# The acceleration section is only one step. This step is removed and if there is a clearing section it will be combined with the new cruising section.
energySavingStartId=get(BSsOriginal, :clearing, get(BSsOriginal, :acceleration, Dict(:dataPoints =>[0])))[:dataPoints][1]
# TODO: should v_peak be reduced or is it enough to pop the data points?
# characteristicSection[:v_peak]=drivingCourse[end][:v] # setting v_peak to the last data point's velocity which is the highest reachable value in this characteristic section
# copy the drivingCourse till the beginning of energy saving
drivingCourseModified = drivingCourse[1:energySavingStartId] # List of data points till the start of energy saving
#s_braking=max(0.0, ceil((csModified[:v_exit]^2-csModified[:v_peak]^2)/2/train[:a_braking], digits=approximationLevel)) # ceil is used to be sure that the train stops at s_exit in spite of rounding errors
s_braking=max(0.0, ceil((csModified[:v_exit]^2-drivingCourseModified[end][:v]^2)/2/train[:a_braking], digits=approximationLevel)) # ceil is used to be sure that the train stops at s_exit in spite of rounding errors
if s_cruising >0.001
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruising, settings, train, allCSs, "cruising")
end #if
# s_brakingAfterCruising=ceil((csModified[:v_exit]^2-drivingCourseModified[end][:v]^2)/2/train[:a_braking], digits=10) # TODO: check if s_braking and s_brakingAfterCruising are really always the same
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v]>csModified[:v_exit]
#(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings[:massModel], train, allCSs)
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings, train, allCSs)
elseif drivingCourseModified[end][:s]<csModified[:s_exit]
if (csModified[:s_exit]-drivingCourseModified[end][:s])>0.001
# if (csModified[:s_exit]-drivingCourseModified[end][:s])>10^(-approximationLevel)
# println("INFO: The end of new CS",csModified[:id]," is not reached while saving energy with lowering v_peak.")
# println(" Therefore the calculation of this method can not continue for this CS.")
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
println("WARNING: The end of new CS",csModified[:id]," is not reached while saving energy with lowering v_peak.")
println(" Therefore s=",drivingCourseModified[end][:s]," will be set s_exit=",csModified[:s_exit]," because the difference is only ",csModified[:s_exit]-drivingCourseModified[end][:s]," m.")
println(" v=",drivingCourseModified[end][:v]," m/s v_exit=",csOriginal[:v_exit] ," m/s")
drivingCourseModified[end][:s]=csModified[:s_exit] # rounding up to s_exit
end #if
if t_recoveryAvailable>=(csModified[:t]-csOriginal[:t])
return (csModified, drivingCourseModified, true)
else # time loss is to high. so there is no energy saving modification for this CS with the available recovery time
# 09/06 old: else # time loss is to high and the CS has to be calculated again with larger acceleration section (so with a smaller reduction of the acceleration section)
# 09/06 old: accelerationReduction=min(accelerationReduction/10, csModified[:v_peak]-csModified[:v_entry], csModified[:v_peak]-csModified[:v_exit])
# TODO: just return false or take smaller steps?
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
# 09/06 old: end #while
# 09/06 old: # there is no energy saving modification for this CS with the available recovery time
# 09/06 old: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
# 12/29 new, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
# there is no energy saving modification for this CS because v_peak can not be lowered below v_entry or v_exit or because there is no acceleration section that can be transformed into a cruising section
# 12/29 old, now not with empty but with original CS and DC: return (Dict(), [], false) # TODO: Does the empty CS-Dict need default attributes?
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
end #if haskey
end # function decreaseMaximumVelocity
# method 2 with shortening the acceleration by stepsize
function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse, settings::Dict, train::Dict, allCSs::Vector{Dict}, t_recoveryAvailable::AbstractFloat)
# TODO doesn't work that well alone. works better with combineEnergySavingMethods. why? does a while loop end to early or something like this?
@ -685,7 +492,7 @@ function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse, settings::Dict
# remove the last acceleration waypoint from the accelerationSection
energySavingStartId = accelerationSection[:dataPoints][end]
accelerationSection[:v_exit]=drivingCourse[energySavingStartId][:v] # exit speed (in m/s)
accelerationSection[:s_exit]=drivingCourse[energySavingStartId][:s] # last position (in m)
@ -697,7 +504,6 @@ function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse, settings::Dict
csModified[:E] = csModified[:E] + accelerationSection[:E]
csModified[:t] = csModified[:t] + accelerationSection[:t]
# The acceleration section is only one step. This step is removed and if there is a clearing section it will be combined with the new cruising section.
energySavingStartId=get(BSsOriginal, :clearing, get(BSsOriginal, :acceleration, Dict(:dataPoints =>[0])))[:dataPoints][1]
@ -714,10 +520,11 @@ function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse, settings::Dict
if s_cruising > 1/10^approximationLevel
# old if s_cruising > 0.001
# 01/09 old if s_cruising > 0.001
(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addCruisingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, s_cruising, settings, train, allCSs, "cruising")
end #if
# s_brakingAfterCruising=ceil((csModified[:v_exit]^2-drivingCourseModified[end][:v]^2)/2/train[:a_braking], digits=10) # TODO: check if s_braking and s_brakingAfterCruising are really always the same
if drivingCourseModified[end][:v]>csModified[:v_exit]
#(csModified, drivingCourseModified)=addBrakingPhase!(csModified, drivingCourseModified, settings[:massModel], train, allCSs)
@ -763,7 +570,6 @@ function decreaseMaximumVelocity(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse, settings::Dict
return (csOriginal, drivingCourse, false)
end #if haskey
end # function decreaseMaximumVelocity
# combination of method 1 and method 2
function combineEnergySavingMethods(csOriginal::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, settings::Dict, train::Dict, allCSs::Vector{Dict}, t_recoveryAvailable::AbstractFloat)

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@ -1072,8 +1072,8 @@ function addStandstill!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, settings::Dict, t
end #function addStandstill!
function createBehaviorSection(type::String, s_entry::Real, v_entry::Real, startingPoint::Integer)
BS= Dict(#:type => behavior, # type of behavior section: breakFree, clearing, acceleration, cruising, diminishing, coasting, cruisingAfterCoasting, braking or standstill
:type => type, # type of behavior section: "breakFree", "clearing", "acceleration", "cruising", "diminishing", "coasting", "cruisingAfterCoasting", "braking" or "standstill"
BS= Dict(#:type => behavior, # type of behavior section: breakFree, clearing, acceleration, cruising, diminishing, coasting, braking or standstill
:type => type, # type of behavior section: "breakFree", "clearing", "acceleration", "cruising", "diminishing", "coasting", "braking" or "standstill"
:length => 0.0, # total length (in m)
:s_entry => s_entry, # first position (in m)
:s_exit => 0.0, # last position (in m)
@ -1090,7 +1090,7 @@ a data point is the smallest element of the driving course. One step of the step
function createDataPoint()
dataPoint = Dict(:i => 0, # identifier and counter variable of the dricing course
:behavior => "", # type of behavior section the data point is part of ("breakFree", "clearing", "acceleration", "cruising", "diminishing", "coasting", "cruisingAfterCoasting", "braking" or "standstill")
:behavior => "", # type of behavior section the data point is part of ("breakFree", "clearing", "acceleration", "cruising", "diminishing", "coasting", "braking" or "standstill")
# a data point which is the last point of one behavior section and the first point of the next behavior section will be attached to the latter
:s => 0.0, # position (in m)
:Δs => 0.0, # step size (in m)

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@ -188,14 +188,13 @@ function calculateMinimumEnergyConsumption(movingSectionMinimumRunningTime::Dict
lastIdOfSelectedCsOriginal = get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :standstill,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :braking,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :cruisingAfterCoasting,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :coasting,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :cruising,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :acceleration,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :clearing,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :breakFree,
get(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :diminishing,
Dict(:dataPoints => [0]))))))))))[:dataPoints][end]
Dict(:dataPoints => [0])))))))))[:dataPoints][end]
# if there is a diminishing phase its location must be analysed seperately because it could be before acceleration, between acceleration and cruising or after cruising. All the other behavior sections occure in a fixed order.
if haskey(CSsOrig[csIdMax][:behaviorSections], :diminishing)
@ -237,7 +236,7 @@ function calculateMinimumEnergyConsumption(movingSectionMinimumRunningTime::Dict
# update all the data point references in the behaviour sections of the following characteristic sections and the other modified characteristic sections
if difference!= 0
# update the data point references in the behaviour sections of the following characteristic sections
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :cruisingAfterCoasting, :braking, :standstill]
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :braking, :standstill]
for csId in csIdMax+1:length(CSsOrig)
for bs in 1: length(allBs)
if haskey(CSsOrig[csId][:behaviorSections], allBs[bs])
@ -285,7 +284,7 @@ end #function calculateMinimumEnergyConsumption
function modifyCs(movingSectionOriginal::Dict, drivingCourseOriginal::Vector{Dict}, csId::Integer, modificationType::String, settings::Dict, train::Dict)
# TODO: refactor and sort this function
# TODO: refactor and sort this function
CSsOrig::Vector{Dict} = movingSectionOriginal[:characteristicSections]
if modificationType == "increasing coasting"
@ -363,7 +362,7 @@ function createEnergySavingModification()
end #createEnergySavingModification
function updateEnergySavingModifications!(energySavingModifications::Vector{Dict}, csIdMax::Integer, drivingCourseNew::Vector{Dict}, endOfModificationId::Integer, lastIdOfSelectedCsOriginal::Integer)
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :cruisingAfterCoasting, :braking, :standstill]
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :braking, :standstill]
difference = endOfModificationId-lastIdOfSelectedCsOriginal
for modNr in csIdMax+1:length(energySavingModifications)
if energySavingModifications[modNr][:ratio]>0
@ -398,7 +397,6 @@ function updateEnergySavingModifications!(energySavingModifications::Vector{Dict
return energySavingModifications
end #function updateEnergySavingModifications!
function copyMovingSection(original::Dict)
#TODO after removing the mutable structs: Is it possible to just "copy"?
copiedCSs = Vector{Dict}()

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@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ function printSectionInformation(movingSection::Dict)
CSs::Vector{Dict} = movingSection[:characteristicSections]
println("MS mit length=", movingSection[:length]," mit t=", movingSection[:t])
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :cruisingAfterCoasting, :braking, :standstill]
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :braking, :standstill]
for csId in 1:length(CSs)
println("CS ",csId," mit length=", CSs[csId][:length]," mit t=", CSs[csId][:t])
for bs in 1: length(allBs)

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
module types
export copyCharacteristicSection, copyBehaviorSection
#export trainType
#@enum trainType passenger=1 freight=2 motorCoachTrain=3
#@enum behavior breakFree=1 clearing=2 acceleration=3 cruising=4diminishing=6 coasting=7 cruisingAfterCoasting=8 braking=9 standstill=10
#@enum behavior breakFree=1 clearing=2 acceleration=3 cruising=4 diminishing=6 coasting=7 braking=8 standstill=9
## different sections the whole path can be devided in the following
## smallest section of the path is the behavior section. It relates to the containing data points via their identifier.
@ -13,8 +11,8 @@ function copyBehaviorSection(original::Dict)
for i in 1:length(original[:dataPoints])
push!(bsDataPoints, original[:dataPoints][i])
copiedBS = Dict(#:type => behavior, # type of behavior section: breakFree, clearing, acceleration, cruising, diminishing, coasting, cruisingAfterCoasting, braking or standstill
:type => original[:type], # type of behavior section: "breakFree", "clearing", "acceleration", "cruising", "diminishing", "coasting", "cruisingAfterCoasting", "braking" or "standstill"
copiedBS = Dict(#:type => behavior, # type of behavior section: breakFree, clearing, acceleration, cruising, diminishing, coasting, braking or standstill
:type => original[:type], # type of behavior section: "breakFree", "clearing", "acceleration", "cruising", "diminishing", "coasting", "braking" or "standstill"
:length => original[:length], # total length (in m)
:s_entry => original[:s_entry], # first position (in m)
:s_exit => original[:s_exit], # last position (in m)
@ -27,7 +25,7 @@ function copyBehaviorSection(original::Dict)
function copyCharacteristicSection(originalCS::Dict)
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :cruisingAfterCoasting, :braking, :standstill]
allBs=[:breakFree, :clearing, :acceleration, :cruising, :diminishing, :coasting, :braking, :standstill]
copiedBSs = Dict()
for bs in 1: length(allBs)
if haskey(originalCS[:behaviorSections], allBs[bs])