Remove calculations of mechanical work and energy consumption

Max Kannenberg 2022-05-24 16:56:05 +02:00
parent 4c7980bbe6
commit 09743db7ad
5 changed files with 1 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -150,11 +150,6 @@ function moveAStep(previousPoint::Dict, stepVariable::Symbol, stepSize::Real, cs
newPoint[:s] = previousPoint[:s] + newPoint[:Δs] # position (in m)
newPoint[:t] = previousPoint[:t] + newPoint[:Δt] # point in time (in s)
newPoint[:v] = previousPoint[:v] + newPoint[:Δv] # velocity (in m/s)
newPoint[:ΔW] = calc_ΔW(previousPoint[:F_T], newPoint[:Δs]) # mechanical work in this step (in Ws)
newPoint[:W] = previousPoint[:W] + newPoint[:ΔW] # mechanical work (in Ws)
newPoint[:ΔE] = calc_ΔE(newPoint[:ΔW]) # energy consumption in this step (in Ws)
newPoint[:E] = previousPoint[:E] + newPoint[:ΔE] # energy consumption (in Ws)
return newPoint
end #function moveAStep
@ -225,18 +220,15 @@ function addBreakFreeSection!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, stateFlags:
# remove the accelerating section from the CS
CS[:t] = CS[:t] - get(CS[:behaviorSections], :accelerating, Dict(:t=>0.0))[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] - get(CS[:behaviorSections], :accelerating, Dict(:E=>0.0))[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
delete!(CS[:behaviorSections], :accelerating)
# calculate the accumulated breakFree section information
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => drivingCourse[end][:s] - BS[:s_entry], # total length (in m)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:t => drivingCourse[end][:t] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:t], # total running time (in s)
:E => drivingCourse[end][:E] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:E], # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
CS[:t] = CS[:t] + BS[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] + BS[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
merge!(CS[:behaviorSections], Dict(:breakFree => BS))
end # else: return the characteristic section without a breakFree section
@ -516,12 +508,10 @@ function addAcceleratingSection!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, stateFla
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => drivingCourse[end][:s] - BS[:s_entry], # total length (in m)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:t => drivingCourse[end][:t] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:t], # total running time (in s)
:E => drivingCourse[end][:E] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:E], # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
# 03/10 old: CS[:v_peak] = max(drivingCourse[end][:v], CS[:v_entry]) # setting v_peak to the last data points velocity which is the highest reachable value in this characteristic section or to v_entry in case it is higher when running on a path with high resistances
CS[:t] = CS[:t] + BS[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] + BS[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
mergeBehaviorSection!(CS[:behaviorSections], BS)
@ -773,11 +763,9 @@ function addCruisingSection!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, stateFlags::
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => drivingCourse[end][:s] - BS[:s_entry], # total length (in m)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:t => drivingCourse[end][:t] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:t], # total running time (in s)
:E => drivingCourse[end][:E] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:E], # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
CS[:t] = CS[:t] + BS[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] + BS[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
mergeBehaviorSection!(CS[:behaviorSections], BS)
end # else: return the characteristic section without a cruising section
@ -962,11 +950,9 @@ function addDiminishingSection!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, stateFlag
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => drivingCourse[end][:s] - BS[:s_entry], # total length (in m)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:t => drivingCourse[end][:t] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:t], # total running time (in s)
:E => drivingCourse[end][:E] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:E], # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
CS[:t] = CS[:t] + BS[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] + BS[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
mergeBehaviorSection!(CS[:behaviorSections], BS)
@ -1127,11 +1113,9 @@ function addCoastingSection!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, stateFlags::
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => drivingCourse[end][:s] - BS[:s_entry], # total length (in m)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:t => drivingCourse[end][:t] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:t], # total running time (in s)
:E => drivingCourse[end][:E] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:E], # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
CS[:t] = CS[:t] + BS[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] + BS[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
merge!(CS[:behaviorSections], Dict(:coasting=>BS))
@ -1282,11 +1266,9 @@ function addBrakingSection!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, stateFlags::D
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => drivingCourse[end][:s] - BS[:s_entry], # total length (in m)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:t => drivingCourse[end][:t] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:t], # total running time (in s)
:E => drivingCourse[end][:E] - drivingCourse[BS[:dataPoints][1]][:E], # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
CS[:t] = CS[:t] + BS[:t] # total running time (in s)
CS[:E] = CS[:E] + BS[:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
merge!(CS[:behaviorSections], Dict(:braking=>BS))
end # else: return the characteristic section without a braking section
@ -1311,7 +1293,6 @@ function addHalt!(CS::Dict, drivingCourse::Vector{Dict}, settings::Settings, tra
BS = createBehaviorSection("halt", drivingCourse[end][:s], drivingCourse[end][:v], drivingCourse[end][:i])
merge!(BS, Dict(:length => 0.0, # total length (in m)
:t => 0.0, # total running time (in s)
:E => 0.0, # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:s_exit => drivingCourse[end][:s], # last position (in m)
:v_exit => drivingCourse[end][:v])) # exit speed (in m/s)))
drivingCourse[end][:behavior] = BS[:type]
@ -1355,9 +1336,4 @@ function recalculateLastBrakingPoint!(drivingCourse, s_target, v_target)
# end
currentPoint[:Δt] = calc_Δt_with_Δv(currentPoint[:Δv], previousPoint[:a]) # step size (in s)
currentPoint[:t] = previousPoint[:t] + currentPoint[:Δt] # point in time (in s)
currentPoint[:ΔW] = 0.0 # mechanical work in this step (in Ws)
currentPoint[:W] = previousPoint[:W] + currentPoint[:ΔW] # mechanical work (in Ws)
currentPoint[:ΔE] = currentPoint[:ΔW] # energy consumption in this step (in Ws)
currentPoint[:E] = previousPoint[:E] + currentPoint[:ΔE] # energy consumption (in Ws)
end #function recalculateLastBrakingPoint

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function calculateMinimumRunningTime!(movingSection::Dict, settings::Settings, t
CSs::Vector{Dict} = movingSection[:characteristicSections]
if settings.massModel == :homogeneous_strip && settings.stepVariable == speed
println("WARNING: ! ! ! TrainRun.jl doesn't work reliably for the mass model homogeneous strip with step size v in m/s. The calculation time can be extremely high when calcutlating paths with steep gradients ! ! !")
println("WARNING: ! ! ! TrainRuns.jl doesn't work reliably for the mass model homogeneous strip with step size v in m/s. The calculation time can be extremely high when calcutlating paths with steep gradients ! ! !")
@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ function calculateMinimumRunningTime!(movingSection::Dict, settings::Settings, t
(CSs[end], drivingCourse) = addHalt!(CSs[end], drivingCourse, settings, train, CSs)
movingSection[:t] = drivingCourse[end][:t] # total running time (in s)
movingSection[:E] = drivingCourse[end][:E] # total energy consumption (in Ws)
return (movingSection, drivingCourse)
end #function calculateMinimumRunningTime

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@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ function secureBrakingBehavior!(movingSection::Dict, a_braking::Real, approxLeve
# reset the characteristic section (CS), delete behavior sections (BS) that were used during the preperation for setting v_entry, v_peak and v_exit
CS[:behaviorSections] = Dict()
CS[:E] = 0.0
CS[:t] = 0.0
followingCSv_entry = CS[:v_entry]
@ -102,69 +101,8 @@ function secureAcceleratingBehavior!(movingSection::Dict, settings::Settings, tr
# reset the characteristic section (CS), delete behavior sections (BS) that were used during the preperation for setting v_entry, v_peak and v_exit
CS[:behaviorSections] = Dict()
CS[:E] = 0.0
CS[:t] = 0.0
end #for
return movingSection
end #function secureAcceleratingBehavior!
## define the intersection velocities between the characterisitc sections to secure cruising behavior
function secureCruisingBehavior!(movingSection::Dict, settings::Settings, train::Train)
# limit the exit velocity of the characteristic sections in case that the train cruises in every section at v_peak
CSs = movingSection[:characteristicSections]
startingPoint = createDataPoint()
startingPoint[:i] = 1
previousCSv_exit = CSs[1][:v_entry]
for CS in CSs
# conditions for entering the cruising phase
stateFlags = Dict(:endOfCSReached => false,
:brakingStartReached => false,
:tractionDeficit => false,
:resistingForceNegative => false,
:previousSpeedLimitReached => false,
:speedLimitReached => false,
:error => false,
:usedForDefiningCharacteristics => true)
CS[:v_entry] = min(CS[:v_entry], previousCSv_exit)
startingPoint[:s] = CS[:s_entry]
startingPoint[:v] = CS[:v_peak]
cruisingCourse::Vector{Dict} = [startingPoint] # List of data points
while !stateFlags[:endOfCSReached] #&& s_cruising > 0.0
if !stateFlags[:tractionDeficit]
s_cruising = CS[:s_exit] - cruisingCourse[end][:s]
if !stateFlags[:resistingForceNegative]# cruisingCourse[end][:F_R] >= 0
(CS, cruisingCourse, stateFlags) = addCruisingSection!(CS, cruisingCourse, stateFlags, s_cruising, settings, train, CSs, "cruising") # this function changes the cruisingCourse
(CS, cruisingCourse, stateFlags) = addCruisingSection!(CS, cruisingCourse, stateFlags, s_cruising, settings, train, CSs, "downhillBraking")
if settings.massModel == :mass_point || cruisingCourse[end][:s] > CS[:s_entry] + train.length
(CS, cruisingCourse, stateFlags) = addDiminishingSection!(CS, cruisingCourse, stateFlags, settings, train, CSs) # this function is needed in case the resisitng forces are higher than the maximum possible tractive effort
CS[:v_exit] = min(CS[:v_exit], cruisingCourse[end][:v])
previousCSv_exit = CS[:v_exit]
# reset the characteristic section (CS), delete behavior sections (BS) that were used during the preperation for setting v_entry, v_peak and v_exit
CS[:behaviorSections] = Dict()
CS[:E] = 0.0
CS[:t] = 0.0
end #for
return movingSection
end #function secureCruisingBehavior!

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@ -643,7 +643,6 @@ function createMovingSection(path::Path, v_trainLimit::Real, s_trainLength::Real
:s_entry => s_entry, # first position (in m)
:s_exit => s_exit, # last position (in m)
:t => 0.0, # total running time (in s)
:E => 0.0, # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:characteristicSections => CSs) # list of containing characteristic sections
return movingSection
@ -659,7 +658,6 @@ function createCharacteristicSection(id::Integer, s_entry::Real, section::Dict,
:r_path => section[:f_Rp], # path resistance (in ‰)
:behaviorSections => Dict(), # list of containing behavior sections
:t => 0.0, # total running time (in s)
:E => 0.0, # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_limit => v_limit, # speed limit (in m/s)
# initializing :v_entry, :v_peak and :v_exit with :v_limit
:v_peak => v_limit, # maximum reachable speed (in m/s)
@ -707,10 +705,6 @@ function createDataPoint()
:v => 0.0, # velocity (in m/s)
:Δv => 0.0, # step size (in m/s)
:a => 0.0, # acceleration (in m/s^2)
:W => 0.0, # mechanical work (in Ws)
:ΔW => 0.0, # mechanical work in this step (in Ws)
:E => 0.0, # energy consumption (in Ws)
:ΔE => 0.0, # energy consumption in this step (in Ws)
:F_T => 0.0, # tractive effort (in N)
:F_R => 0.0, # resisting force (in N)
:R_path => 0.0, # path resistance (in N)
@ -732,7 +726,6 @@ function createBehaviorSection(type::String, s_entry::Real, v_entry::Real, start
:s_entry => s_entry, # first position (in m)
:s_exit => 0.0, # last position (in m)
:t => 0.0, # total running time (in s)
:E => 0.0, # total energy consumption (in Ws)
:v_entry => v_entry, # entry speed (in m/s)
:v_exit => 0.0, # exit speed (in m/s)
:dataPoints => [startingPoint] # list of identifiers of the containing data points starting with the initial point

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@ -189,23 +189,6 @@ function calc_Δv_with_Δt(Δt::Real, a_prev::Real)
return Δv
end #function calc_Δv_with_Δt
function calc_ΔW(F_T_prev::Real, Δs::Real)
# equation is based on [Wende:2003, page 17]
# F_T_prev: tractive force from previous data point
# Δs: distance step
ΔW = F_T_prev * Δs # mechanical work in this step (in Ws)
return ΔW
end #function calc_ΔW
function calc_ΔE(ΔW::Real)
# simplified equation
# ΔW: mechanical work in this step (in Ws)
ΔE = ΔW # energy consumption in this step (in Ws)
return ΔE
end #function calc_ΔW
function calcBrakingDistance(v_start::Real, v_end::Real, a_braking::Real, approxLevel::Integer)
# equation is based on [Wende:2003, page 37]