%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk %!TEX root = test.tex % Copyright 2019 Martin Scheidt (ISC license) % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. \node[blue] at (4,0) {\large test misc. topology symbols}; \foreach \i in {1,2,...,3}{% base coordinate \coordinate (A\i) at ($(0,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);% base coordinate \coordinate (B\i) at ($(8,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$);% base coordinate } \foreach \i in {1}{% draw main tracks on base coordinate \maintrack (A\i) -- (B\i); } \foreach \i in {2,3}{% draw secondary tracks on base coordinate \secondarytrack (A\i) -- (B\i); } \foreach \i in {1,2,...,3}{% coordinates for testing symbols \coordinate (X\i-1) at ($(1,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$); \coordinate (X\i-2) at ($(3,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$); \coordinate (X\i-3) at ($(5,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$); \coordinate (X\i-4) at ($(7,0) + 2*(0,-\i)$); } \tracklabel at (X1-1) label (12); \tracklabel at (X1-3) label (really long text); \tracklabel at (X2-2) label (22); \trackdistance between (X1-2) and (X2-3) label (\SI[math-rm=\mathsf]{6,50}{\metre}); \trackdistance between (X1-4) and (X2-4) label (4,50); \derailer[forward ,branch=left ] at (X3-1) label (X3-1); \derailer[backward,branch=left ] at (X3-2) label (X3-2); \derailer[forward ,branch=right] at (X3-3) label (X3-3); \derailer[backward,branch=right] at (X3-4) label (X3-4); \bufferstop[backward] at (A1); \bufferstop[forward] at (B1); \bufferstop[backward,friction=.5] at (A2); \bufferstop[forward ,friction=.5] at (B2); \bufferstop[backward] at (A3); \bufferstop[forward] at (B3);