rename files to reflect common tikz library layout
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
%% symbol library for TikZ track schematics
% Copyright 2018 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
pics/node/.style args={#1/#2}{
\path[draw,line width=#2,fill=#1] (0,0) circle (0.1);
pics/node_with_label/.style args={#1/#2/#3}{
\path[draw,line width=#2,fill=#1] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\node at (0,-0.3) {#3};
pics/colon/.style args={#1}{
\path[draw,line width=1pt,fill=background] (-0.1,0) circle (0.1);
\path[draw,line width=1pt,fill=background] ( 0.1,0) circle (0.1);
\node at (0,-0.3) {#1};
pics/connexity/.style args={#1/#2}{
\draw [#1,line width=#2,rounded corners=8pt,fill=background] (-0.5,-0.3) rectangle (0.5,0.3);
\path[draw, fill=background] (0,-0.1) -- ++(0.1,0.2) -- ++(-0.2,0) -- cycle; % triangle shape
\path[draw, fill] (0,0) circle (0.05);
\path[draw, fill=background] (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle ++(0.2,0.2);
\path[draw, fill=background] (-0.1,-0.1) rectangle ++(0.2,0.2);
\path[draw] (-0.1,-0.1) -- ++(0.2,0.2);
\path[draw, fill=background] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\path [draw, fill=background] (0,0) circle (0.1);
\draw (-0.07,-0.07) -- ++(0.14,0.14);
\path[draw, fill=background] (0,-0.1) -- ++(0.1,0.1) -- ++(-0.1,0.1) -- ++(-0.1,-0.1) -- cycle;
\path[draw, fill=background] (0:0.1) arc (0:180:0.1) -- cycle;
\path[draw, fill=background] (-0.1,-0.15) rectangle ++(0.2,0.3);
\path[draw, line width=0.75pt] (-0.05,-0.1) -- ++(0 ,0.2);
\path[draw, line width=0.75pt] (-0.05, 0 ) -- ++(0.1,0 );
\path[draw, line width=0.75pt] ( 0.05,-0.1) -- ++(0 ,0.2);
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
% Copyright 2018 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
% \usetikzlibrary{trackschematic.misc}%
@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
%% library for drawing time distance diagrams
% Copyright 2018 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
%%% --[ USAGE ]-- %%%
%% assumption: • acceleration curve ends at Block
%%% -- first, define infrastructure and setting:
% % infrastructure x-axis position
% \def\StationA{0}
% \def\BkOne{2}
% \def\BkTwo{4}
% \def\BkCThree{6}
% \def\StationB{8}
% % OPTIONs 1: infrastructure settings
% \def\SightingDistance{0.1}
% \def\ApproachDistance{0.3}
% \def\ClearingDistance{0.4}
% \def\InterlockingTime{0.1}
% \def\Latency{0.1}
% % OPTIONs 2: diagramm settings
% \toggletrue{blockingTime}
% \toggletrue{trainMarker}
% \togglefalse{blockingTimeParts}
% \togglefalse{DEBUG}
% \toggletrue{blockingTimeFill}
%% -- second, define driving regime and train:
% % driving regime
% \def\Segments{\StationA/\BkOne/\ModeAcceleration, \BkOne/\BkTwo/\ModeCoasting, \BkTwo/\BkThree/\ModeCoasting, \BkThree/\StationB/\ModeDeceleration}
% % train with #1 speed, #2 acceleration, #3 deceleration, #4 train length
% \pic at (0,-2.8) {train_path=4.0/0.5/0.5/1.0};
% % infrastructure defaults
\def\ModeCoasting{Coasting} % Default
\edef\mCoast{\ModeCoasting} % synonym
\edef\mAcc{\ModeAcceleration} % synonym
\edef\mDec{\ModeDeceleration} % synonym
pics/train_path/.style args={#1/#2/#3/#4}{
% settings
\foreach \PositionA/\PositionB/\mode in \Segments {
% test for running direction
\newdimen\dimPosA %You can not use floating variables. Use dimens instead
\dimPosA = \PositionA cm % expand variable to \dimexpr for test \ifdimcomp{\dimexpr}{<}{\dimexpr}{⟨true⟩}{⟨false⟩}
\dimPosB = \PositionB cm % expand variable to \dimexpr for test \ifdimcomp{\dimexpr}{<}{\dimexpr}{⟨true⟩}{⟨false⟩}
\def\Run{-1} % train running from left to right
\def\Run{1} % train running from right to left
% blocking time top part
\coordinate (basePosA) at ($(\PositionA,0) + ( 0,\Run*\PositionA*\Speed^-1)$);
\coordinate (basePosB) at ($(basePosA) + (\PositionB-\PositionA,0)$);
\coordinate (egressPosB) at ($(\PositionB,0) + ( 0,\Run*\PositionB*\Speed^-1)$);
\coordinate (egressPosA) at ($(egressPosB) + (\PositionA-\PositionB,0)$);
% mode acceleration
\coordinate (entryPosA) at ($(basePosA) + 2*\Speed^-1*(0,\Accel^-1)$);
\coordinate (entryPosB) at ($(entryPosA) + (\PositionB-\PositionA,0)$);
\coordinate (entryVector) at ($(entryPosA)!0.75!(basePosA)$);
\coordinate (egressVector) at ($(basePosA)!0.25!(egressPosB)$);
\coordinate (sightingPosA) at ($(entryPosA) + ( 0,\Latency)$);
% mode coasting & deceleration
\coordinate (approachPosA) at ($(basePosA) + ( 0,\ApproachDistance*\Speed^-1)$);
\coordinate (approachPosB) at ($(approachPosA)+ (\PositionB-\PositionA,0)$);
\coordinate (sightingPosA) at ($(approachPosA)+ ( 0,\SightingDistance*\Speed^-1)$);
\coordinate (sightingPosB) at ($(sightingPosA)+ (\PositionB-\PositionA,0)$);
\coordinate (beginPosA) at ($(sightingPosA)+ ( 0,\InterlockingTime)$);
\coordinate (beginPosB) at ($(beginPosA) + (\PositionB-\PositionA,0)$);
% blocking time bottom part
% mode deceleration
\coordinate (exitPosB) at ($(egressPosB) + 2*\Speed^-1*(0,-\Decel^-1)$);
\coordinate (exitPosA) at ($(exitPosB) + (\PositionA-\PositionB,0)$);
\coordinate (clearingPosB) at ($(exitPosB) + ( 0,-\Latency)$);
\coordinate (exitVector) at ($(egressPosB)!0.25!(exitPosB)$);
\coordinate (baseVector) at ($(basePosA)!0.75!(egressPosB)$);
% mode coasting & acceleration
\coordinate (clearingPosB) at ($(egressPosB) + ( 0,-\ClearingDistance*\Speed^-1-\TrainLength*\Speed^-1)$);
\coordinate (clearingPosA) at ($(clearingPosB)+ (\PositionA-\PositionB,0)$);
\coordinate (endPosB) at ($(clearingPosB)+ ( 0,-\InterlockingTime)$);
\coordinate (endPosA) at ($(endPosB) + (\PositionA-\PositionB,0)$);
% finished coord calc for train run
% draw blocking time
\fill [fill opacity=0.1] (beginPosA) -- (endPosA) -- (endPosB) -- (beginPosB) -- cycle;
\draw (beginPosA) -- (endPosA) -- (endPosB) -- (beginPosB) -- cycle;
% debug
\node[right,align=left,red] at ($(\PositionA +1,-0.5)$) {train run left to right};
\node[right,align=left,red] at ($(\PositionA +1,-1 )$) {mode: \mode};
\node[right,align=left,red] at ($(\PositionB +1,+5.5)$) {train run right to left};
\node[right,align=left,red] at ($(\PositionB +1,+5 )$) {mode: \mode};
% mode acceleration
\def\DebugPointsPosA{basePosA, entryPosA, entryVector, sightingPosA, beginPosA, egressPosA, egressVector, clearingPosA, endPosA}
\def\DebugPointsPosB{basePosB, entryPosB, sightingPosB, beginPosB, egressPosB, clearingPosB, endPosB}
\draw[blue] (entryPosA) .. controls (entryVector) and (egressVector) .. (egressPosB) node [fill=black!10,midway,sloped] {\tiny \mode};
\draw[red,dashed] (entryPosA)-- (entryVector)-- (egressVector) -- (egressPosB) -- cycle (entryPosA)--(egressVector) (entryVector)--(egressPosB);
% mode deceleration
\def\DebugPointsPosA{basePosA, approachPosA, sightingPosA, beginPosA, egressPosA, exitPosA, clearingPosA, endPosA}
\def\DebugPointsPosB{basePosB, approachPosB, sightingPosB, beginPosB, baseVector, egressPosB, exitVector, exitPosB, clearingPosB, endPosB}
\draw [blue] (basePosA) .. controls (baseVector) and (exitVector) .. (exitPosB) node [fill=black!10,midway,sloped] {\tiny \mode};
\draw[red,dashed,thin] (basePosA)-- (baseVector)-- (exitVector) -- (exitPosB) -- cycle (basePosA)--(exitVector) (baseVector)--(exitPosB);
% mode coasting
\def\DebugPointsPosA{basePosA, approachPosA, sightingPosA, beginPosA, egressPosA, clearingPosA, endPosA}
\def\DebugPointsPosB{basePosB, approachPosB, sightingPosB, beginPosB, egressPosB, clearingPosB, endPosB}
\draw [blue] (basePosA) -- (egressPosB) node [fill=black!10,midway,sloped] {\tiny \mode};
\foreach \point in \DebugPointsPosA
\draw [red] (\point) circle[radius=.03] (\point) node [left] {\tiny \point~(\xcoord{\point},\ycoord{\point})};
\foreach \point in \DebugPointsPosB
\draw [red] (\point) circle[radius=.03] (\point) node [right] {\tiny \point~(\xcoord{\point},\ycoord{\point})};
\foreach \point in \DebugPointsPosA
\draw [red] (\point) circle[radius=.03] (\point) node [right] {\tiny \point~(\xcoord{\point},\ycoord{\point})};
\foreach \point in \DebugPointsPosB
\draw [red] (\point) circle[radius=.03] (\point) node [left] {\tiny \point~(\xcoord{\point},\ycoord{\point})};
% draw blocking time parts
\draw [line width=0.25pt] (sightingPosA) -- (sightingPosB);
\draw [line width=0.25pt] (clearingPosA) -- (clearingPosB);
% mode acceleration
% mode deceleration & coasting
\draw [line width=0.25pt] (approachPosA) -- (approachPosB);
\draw [line width=0.25pt] (basePosA) -- (basePosB);
% mode deceleration
% mode acceleration & coasting
\draw [line width=0.25pt] (egressPosA) -- (egressPosB);
% draw train path
% mode acceleration
\draw [line width=1pt] (entryPosA) .. controls (entryVector) and (egressVector) .. (egressPosB);
% mode deceleration
\draw [line width=1pt] (basePosA) .. controls (baseVector) and (exitVector) .. (exitPosB);
% mode coasting
\draw [line width=1pt] (basePosA) -- (egressPosB);
% draw start and stop marker
% Start Marker
\tikzset{every path/.style={solid,thin}};
\draw ($(entryPosA) + (0.1,0)$) -- ++(-0.2,0);
\draw (entryPosA) circle[radius=.05] (entryPosA);
% Stop Marker
\tikzset{every path/.style={solid,thin}};
\draw ($(exitPosB) + (0.1,0)$) -- ++(-0.2,0);
\draw (exitPosB) circle[radius=.05] (exitPosB);
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk
%!TEX root = timeDistanceDiagram_test.tex
% Copyright 2018 Martin Scheidt (ISC license)
% Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
% infrastructure
% space-time-grid
% visual and layout
% infrastructure
% \togglefalse{blockingTimeFill}
\pic at (0,-0.0) {train_path};
\pic at (0,-6.5) {train_path};
\foreach \BKx in \Blocks {
\node [above=0.25cm] at (\BKx, 0) {\tiny \BlockNum};
\draw (\BKx, 0) -- ++(0,-\timetableHeight);
\pic [above=0.2cm] at (\BKx, 0) {block};
% \togglefalse{blockingTimeFill}
\def\Segments{\BkTre/\BkTwo/\mCoast, \BkTwo/\BkOne/\mCoast}
\pic at (0, -6.0) {train_path};
\pic at (0,-12.5) {train_path};
\foreach \BKx in \Blocks {
\node [above=0.25cm] at (\BKx, 0) {\tiny \BlockNum};
\draw (\BKx, 0) -- ++(0,-\timetableHeight);
\pic [above=0.2cm] at (\BKx, 0) {block};
Reference in New Issue