%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk %!TEX root = ../handbook.tex % Copyright 2018 Martin Scheidt (ISC license) % Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this file for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. \begin{tabular}{cccc|c} \toprule \IfLanguage{english}{ Round & curent & (1. Step) & current position & (2. Step) \\ & speed & Move by & head of train & shift lever at \\ } \IfLanguage{ngerman}{ Runde & aktuelle & (1. Schritt)& aktuelle & (2. Schritt) \\ & Geschwindigkeit & Bewegen um & Position Zugspitze& Schalthebel auf \\ } \hline \IfLanguage{english}{ $1$ & \SI{0}{\kilo\metre\per\hour}& $0$ fields & field $0$ & \SI{40}{\kilo\metre\per\hour} \\ } \IfLanguage{ngerman}{ $1$ & \SI{0}{\kilo\metre\per\hour}& $0$ Felder & Feld $0$ & \SI{40}{\kilo\metre\per\hour} \\ } \hline $2$ & $\cdots$ & & & \\ \hline $\vdots$& & & & \\ \hline & & & & \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular}