%!TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk % Copyright 2020 Martin Scheidt (Attribution 4.0 International, CC-BY 4.0) % You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. You are free to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits. No warranties are given. \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[ size=a4, ]{beamerposter} \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty \def\ROOT{./..} \input{\ROOT/src/material_header.tex} \input{\ROOT/src/colors.tex} \input{\ROOT/src/signal_aspects.tikz} \newlength{\trainlength}\setlength{\trainlength}{20cm} \newlength{\trainheight}\setlength{\trainheight}{3cm} \newlength{\trainwidth}\setlength{\trainwidth}{4cm} \tikzset{ lever_positions/.pic={ \draw[->,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] ( 1.5,0) .. controls ( 2,-0.5) and ( 3,-0.5) .. ( 3.5,0); \draw[->,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] ( 4.5,0) .. controls ( 5,-0.5) and ( 6,-0.5) .. ( 6.5,0); \draw[->,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] ( 7.5,0) .. controls ( 8,-0.5) and ( 9,-0.5) .. ( 9.5,0); \draw[->,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] (10.5,0) .. controls (11,-0.5) and (12,-0.5) .. (12.5,0); \draw[->,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] (13.5,0) .. controls (14,-0.5) and (15,-0.5) .. (15.5,0); % \draw[<-,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] ( 1.5,2) .. controls ( 2,2.5) and ( 3,2.5) .. ( 3.5,2); \draw[<-,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] ( 4.5,2) .. controls ( 5,2.5) and ( 6,2.5) .. ( 6.5,2); \draw[<-,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] ( 7.5,2) .. controls ( 8,2.5) and ( 9,2.5) .. ( 9.5,2); \draw[<-,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] (10.5,2) .. controls (11,2.5) and (12,2.5) .. (12.5,2); \draw[<-,>=latex,line width=1.5pt,green] (13.5,2) .. controls (14,2.5) and (15,2.5) .. (15.5,2); % lever positiions \foreach \x in {0,6,12,15} \draw [fill=white] (\x,0) rectangle ++(2,2); \foreach \x in {3,9} { \draw [fill=white] (\x,1.1) rectangle ++(2,0.9); \draw [fill=white] (\x,0 ) rectangle ++(2,0.9); }; % labels \node[align=center] at ( 1,1.6) {\si{\kilo\metre\per\hour}}; \node[align=center] at ( 1,1 ) {\Huge $0$}; \node[align=center] at ( 1,0.3) {\Large \color{blue} $0$ \IfLanguage{english}{fields} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Felder} }; \node[align=center] at ( 4,0.5) {\Large \color{blue} $0$ \IfLanguage{english}{fields} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Felder} }; \node[align=center] at ( 4,1.5) {\Large \color{blue} $1$ \IfLanguage{english}{field} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Feld} }; \node[align=center] at ( 7,1.6) {\si{\kilo\metre\per\hour}}; \node[align=center] at ( 7,1 ) {\Huge $40$}; \node[align=center] at ( 7,0.3) {\Large \color{blue} $1$ \IfLanguage{english}{field} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Feld} }; \node[align=center] at (10,0.5) {\Large \color{blue} $1$ \IfLanguage{english}{field} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Feld} }; \node[align=center] at (10,1.5) {\Large \color{blue} $2$ \IfLanguage{english}{fields} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Felder} }; \node[align=center] at (13,1.6) {\si{\kilo\metre\per\hour}}; \node[align=center] at (13,1 ) {\Huge $80$}; \node[align=center] at (13,0.3) {\Large \color{blue} $2$ \IfLanguage{english}{fields} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Felder} }; \node[align=center] at (16,1.6) {\si{\kilo\metre\per\hour}}; \node[align=center] at (16,1 ) {\Huge $120$}; \node[align=center] at (16,0.3) {\Large \color{blue} $3$ \IfLanguage{english}{fields} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{Felder} }; }; } \begin{document} \selectlanguage{english} % currently supported: english, ngerman \tikzset{every path/.style={ultra thick}} \begin{frame} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily] \coordinate (base) at (0,0); % coordinates \path ([shift={(base)}] 0,0) coordinate (A3) -- ++(0,-\trainheight) coordinate (A4) -- ++(\trainlength, 0) coordinate (A1) -- ++(0, \trainheight) coordinate (A2); \path (A2) -- ++ ( 1,-1) coordinate (A5); \path (A1) -- ++ ( 1, 1) coordinate (A6); \path ([shift={(base)}] 0,0) coordinate (B3) -- ++(0, \trainwidth) coordinate (B4) -- ++(-\trainheight,0) coordinate (B7) -- ++(0,-\trainwidth) coordinate (B8); \path (B4) -- ++ (-1, 1) coordinate (B5); \path (B7) -- ++ ( 1, 1) coordinate (B6); \path (B8) -- ++ ( 1,-1) coordinate (B1); \path (B3) -- ++ (-1,-1) coordinate (B2); \path ([shift={(base)}] 0,0) coordinate (C3) -- ++(0, \trainwidth) coordinate (C4) -- ++(\trainlength, 0) coordinate (C1) -- ++( 0.375\trainwidth,-0.5\trainwidth) coordinate (C5) -- ++(-0.375\trainwidth,-0.5\trainwidth) coordinate (C2); \path (C4) coordinate (D4) -- ++(0, \trainheight) coordinate (D3) -- ++(\trainlength, 0) coordinate (D2) -- ++(0,-\trainheight) coordinate (D1); \path (D1) coordinate (E1) -- ++(0, \trainheight) coordinate (E2) -- ++(0.625\trainwidth, 0) coordinate (E3) -- ++(0,-\trainheight) coordinate (E4) -- ++(-1,-1) coordinate (E5); \path (E1) -- ++ ( 1,-1) coordinate (E6); \path (E4) coordinate (F4) -- ++(0, \trainheight) coordinate (F3) -- ++(0.625\trainwidth, 0) coordinate (F2) -- ++(0,-\trainheight) coordinate (F1) -- ++(-1,-1) coordinate (F6); \path (F4) -- ++ ( 1,-1) coordinate (F5); % drawing \draw (A2) rectangle (A4); \draw (B4) rectangle (B8); \draw (C2) -- (C3) -- (C4) -- (C1) -- (C5) -- cycle; \draw (D1) rectangle (D3); \draw (E2) rectangle (E4); \draw (F2) rectangle (F4); % labels \pic[scale=0.75] at (0.1\trainlength,0.35\trainwidth) {lever_positions}; \draw ([shift={(base)}] 1,0) -- (0,0.5\trainwidth) -- (1,\trainwidth) -- cycle; \node[rotate=90] at (0.03\trainlength,0.5\trainwidth) { \IfLanguage{english}{\Large Coupling} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{\Large Kupplung} }; % adhesive edge \tikzset{every path/.style={thin,base1}} \draw (A2) -- (A5) -- (A6) -- (A1); \draw (B4) -- (B5) -- (B6) -- (B7); \draw (B8) -- (B1) -- (B2) -- (B3); \draw (E1) -- (E6) -- (E5) -- (E4); \draw (F1) -- (F6) -- (F5) -- (F4); % \end{tikzpicture} \input{\ROOT/frontmatter/copyright.tex} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily] \coordinate (base) at (0,0); % coordinates \path ([shift={(base)}] 0,0) coordinate (A3) -- ++(0,-\trainheight) coordinate (A4) -- ++(\trainlength, 0) coordinate (A1) -- ++(0, \trainheight) coordinate (A2); \path ([shift={(base)}] 0,0) coordinate (B3) -- ++(0, \trainwidth) coordinate (B4) -- ++(-\trainheight,0) coordinate (B7) -- ++(0,-\trainwidth) coordinate (B8); \path (B4) -- ++ (-1, 1) coordinate (B5); \path (B7) -- ++ ( 1, 1) coordinate (B6); \path (B8) -- ++ ( 1,-1) coordinate (B1); \path (B3) -- ++ (-1,-1) coordinate (B2); \path ([shift={(base)}] 0,0) coordinate (C3) -- ++(0, \trainwidth) coordinate (C4) -- ++(\trainlength, 0) coordinate (C1) -- ++(0,-\trainwidth) coordinate (C2); \path (C2) coordinate (D2) -- ++(0, \trainwidth) coordinate (D1) -- ++( \trainheight,0) coordinate (D6) -- ++(0,-\trainwidth) coordinate (D5); \path (D6) -- ++ (-1, 1) coordinate (D7); \path (D1) -- ++ ( 1, 1) coordinate (D8); \path (D2) -- ++ ( 1,-1) coordinate (D3); \path (D5) -- ++ (-1,-1) coordinate (D4); \path (C4) coordinate (E4) -- ++(0, \trainheight) coordinate (E3) -- ++(\trainlength, 0) coordinate (E2) -- ++(0,-\trainheight) coordinate (E1); % drawing \draw (A2) rectangle (A4); \draw (B4) rectangle (B8); \draw (C2) rectangle (C4); \draw (D1) rectangle (D5); \draw (E2) rectangle (E4); % labels \pic at (-0.5\trainheight,0.5\trainwidth) {end_of_train}; \draw ([shift={(base)}] \trainlength,0.5\trainwidth) -- ++(-1,0.5\trainwidth) -- ++(0,-\trainwidth) -- cycle; \node[rotate=-90] at (0.97\trainlength,0.5\trainwidth) { \IfLanguage{english}{\Large Coupling} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{\Large Kupplung} }; % adhesive edge \tikzset{every path/.style={thin,base1}} \draw (B4) -- (B5) -- (B6) -- (B7); \draw (B8) -- (B1) -- (B2) -- (B3); \draw (D2) -- (D3) -- (D4) -- (D5); \draw (D1) -- (D8) -- (D7) -- (D6); % \end{tikzpicture} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \IfLanguage{english}{\Huge \textcolor{blue}{Control Lever:}} \IfLanguage{ngerman}{\Huge \textcolor{blue}{Schalthebelpositionen:}}\\ \begin{tikzpicture}[font=\sffamily] \begin{scope}[scale=1.5,transform shape] \pic at (0,0) {lever_positions}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \vfill \input{\ROOT/src/game_procedure.tex} \end{frame} \end{document}